So Thursday we went shopping for food. Friday she spent the day decorating, but I was at work. Luckily Manuela was able to go. Saturday we finished decorating in the morning and then went back to do food prep a couple hours before the party. The event went great. There were lots of activities for everyone to enjoy (Rob and I were in charge of the dreidel game and we had M&M's for tokens which the kids loved) , we had enough food (always my fear), the primary and youth did a nice job on the short program, and everyone enjoyed the evening. Most people dressed in period costumes and lots of people helped with clean up.
Jewish women cover their hair. I wish Christian women did too. I'd happily wear a scarf every day. Not a wig though, that seems itchy. I am hair impaired. Seriously it is such a challenge for me. When I was little I had little soft curls that my mom arranged nicely on head (based on the photos I have). Then when I got a little older I entered the braid era. That lasted for most of elementary school. I'd either wear braids or a just long and raggedy down my back "style". I think it was around 5th or 6th grade that I noticed that girls were "doing their hair". I did not participate in that. I don't know why. I never thought to ask mom to take me for a hair cut. I was a teenager in the 80's and didn't have big hair. I didn't know how to do it, didn't want to spend the time on it, and basically washed it, brushed it and on special occasions (like to go to church on Sunday) I'd use a curling iron on it. My hair was long and straight (by straight I mean kind of wavy and full) my whole growing up. When Mark and I married I cut it short. Then grew it out. When I was divorced I got what dad called my "man hating hair cut" and I've worn it that way most of the time since, although every few years I decide to grow it. Then I am unhappy with it because it looks like:
witch Hazel, minus the witch hat. And I cut it again. I can think of one day in my life when I thought my hair looked great, that was on Hannah's wedding. (Dani did it for me). The rest of the time I am either neutral or I don't like it. But the head covering solves that. Also a beanie, which you can wear outside, in the winter. Sadly I also have a big head so hats don't sit well. One of Hannah's talents is to wear a hat cutely. Not mine, which is sad. I'm not as sad about that as I am in my inability to sing nicely but both cause me occasional grief.
Jewish women cover their hair. I wish Christian women did too. I'd happily wear a scarf every day. Not a wig though, that seems itchy. I am hair impaired. Seriously it is such a challenge for me. When I was little I had little soft curls that my mom arranged nicely on head (based on the photos I have). Then when I got a little older I entered the braid era. That lasted for most of elementary school. I'd either wear braids or a just long and raggedy down my back "style". I think it was around 5th or 6th grade that I noticed that girls were "doing their hair". I did not participate in that. I don't know why. I never thought to ask mom to take me for a hair cut. I was a teenager in the 80's and didn't have big hair. I didn't know how to do it, didn't want to spend the time on it, and basically washed it, brushed it and on special occasions (like to go to church on Sunday) I'd use a curling iron on it. My hair was long and straight (by straight I mean kind of wavy and full) my whole growing up. When Mark and I married I cut it short. Then grew it out. When I was divorced I got what dad called my "man hating hair cut" and I've worn it that way most of the time since, although every few years I decide to grow it. Then I am unhappy with it because it looks like:
witch Hazel, minus the witch hat. And I cut it again. I can think of one day in my life when I thought my hair looked great, that was on Hannah's wedding. (Dani did it for me). The rest of the time I am either neutral or I don't like it. But the head covering solves that. Also a beanie, which you can wear outside, in the winter. Sadly I also have a big head so hats don't sit well. One of Hannah's talents is to wear a hat cutely. Not mine, which is sad. I'm not as sad about that as I am in my inability to sing nicely but both cause me occasional grief.
Ironically I have 5 daughters and didn't really know how to do their hair either. They figured it out and all have nice hair now, which seems like a life pattern. Parents try but ultimately you have to find your own way. Everyone has to know for themselves; or have ugly hair. Ethan has wild hair, but has life figured out pretty well for a 21 year old man. So there's that.
Our cute little primary children 💕
Clayton was also in charge of his ward party and last month J asked me, or I was telling her I'm not sure, about ours, and she told him. And viola, a theme is shared. Their party went great and Coco was the cutest little lamb in the stable!
Gracie went to a bachelorette party in Utah this weekend and the Crawleys babysat Mr. Lincoln. She had fun and they didn't want to give him back so win/win.
Sunday was a cold day in Idaho. Ezra is in nursery and traditionally in December the rising Sunbeams will go to primary for singing time to "practice". Hannah's ward has a lot of children, 13 Sunbeams and almost as many rising from nursery. They went to singing time yesterday and somehow Ezzie escaped and ran outside and got locked out, in the snow. He was crying out there and luckily (or by the grace of God) a stranger was walking by and heard him & brought him in to the chapel where Sawyer was. Hannah and Sawyer were very upset ( and the primary presidency was very apologetic (AS.THEY.SHOULD.BE). Erza is an eloper. You can not take your eye off of him for one second. He bolts and doesn't really know better. The number one cause of death for children on the spectrum is from being hit by a car. They run, they run into the street, and things go poorly. I was very upset to hear about that. I worry about him. Hannah and Sawyer are working with the primary to come up with a good plan, they are very concerned.
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Taco and I like to watch TV in bed |
After dinner we played wolf pack then "santa, cookie, candy, elf, tree" which is "taco, cat, goat, cheese, pizza" but Christmas themed) while we waited for the broadcast to start.
The broadcast was really good. I loved the talks. I like Tracy Browning. She gives really good talks. Elder Gong gave a wonderful address. He talked about the Christmas Carol story and how everyone always remembers Scrooge as his miserly, grumpy, selfish self but rarely thinks to remember that it's a story of redemption. Scrooge became a changed man. He became, in the end, as joyful and as good as any man. It is good to see each other as who we are becoming now, not just who we were. President Nelson's Christmas message was beautiful. The music was powerful, and the whole evening was enlivening and joyful.
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