Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Tonight for YW we had a conference prep night. The girls had a good time and I think we came up with some great ideas for preparing to hear the voice of the Lord. 

Hannah and Sawyer had family pictures taken, Sam was the awesome photographer! Love this one!! And this cute family!!!
My part of tonight’s lesson was on prayer. I enjoyed looking for cute pictures. 
Speaking of cute pictures, Ruby is quite an artist. She loves to color and look at this masterpiece!


Sunday, September 27, 2020


Today’s photos are courtesy of the internet:) Instagram specifically. 

Sierra is going on lots of adventures! So fun!

This little pumpkin is adorable! UB sent him some sitting toys and I guess he loves them๐Ÿ’•

Yesterday Rob and I went to sea world to hear Beemo. It’s hot here. I wish it would cool down. I spent some time looking at buffalo plaid and halloween decor. The Salls were sent home from Sweden 6 months ago, last week they went back to finish their mission!! 

Church was good today. We had fast & testimony meeting.  I wanted to bear my testimony but it was too quick. Luckily I gave the closing prayer so I had a moment to express my gratitude. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Fall Fun

After what felt like a very long week we finally got to Friday! Grace and I went to the Magic Kingdom after school.  We had some cool(for Florida) days (2 of them) and I thought today we follow suite. Nope, it was so so hot.  Neither Grace or I felt great. I have been fighting a headache for a couple of days and she had a stomach ache but we bravely soldiered on (lol).

We rode Pirates of the Carribean and Peter Pan.  We looked at shops and shared a treat then we called Rob to come uber us home.  We agreed it was a fun way to spend a couple of hours.
Tonight I have book club.  We read the Dutch House, which I liked.  

Pretty view from the ferryboat on the way  back to the parking lot.  Blue water, green tree line, white puffy clouds, a sliver of a moon in the blue evening sky.  There was a breeze and it was nice.

Update from book club: it was, as predicted, fun. I love those ladies and love the technology that lets us meet across the miles. Also we had some unexpected visitors.


Thursday, September 24, 2020


 Grace’s tests came back normal. She’s frustrated because she still has challenges and symptoms to deal with. I am glad. No tumor is always a good start. So we need to get more creative about her care. Maybe I’ll take her to a wholistic practitioner and see what they say. 

Last night we had 5 elders over for dinner. It was a lot of fun. Those young men are amazing and so faithful. Everything is upside down in the world and they’re just out there doing the Lord’s work!  We had a powerful experience with them after dinner as they were sharing about sharing the gospel.  Rob was home for dinner and dinner was ๐Ÿ˜Œ good!

After dinner Grace and I lay in bed with the animals. I sure do love that girl ๐Ÿ’•

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

First day of fall

 The weather here today was nice. Warm but not hot. The evening air was actually leaning a little towards the cool side and our evening walk was pleasant.

For mutual tonight we did a virtual tour of Carthage with the sister missionaries. It was really well done. The girls loved it. We zoomed from our house and after had homemade bread and butter for a pioneer treat.

Grace had her MRI this morning. She said it was fine. I have had several that I thought were less than fine but she’s a trooper. 

Spain isn’t accepting visas right now and has a surge of Covid so I am thinking Ethan will be temporarily reassigned somewhere in the states. We’ll see though it’s still a couple months away. 

Grace loves to go shooting with Rob. Apparently she’s a good shot too so that’s nice.

Monday, September 21, 2020



We are sitting in the airport enjoying a layover on our way back home. It was such a fun weekend. Too too short!  When we got to SLC we rented a car and headed to Idaho (by way of Cafe Rio). We got to the cabin first and it was just perfect. It was rustic and comfortable and had plenty of space. Soon the kids started trickling in. It was GREAT to see everyone. 
The cabin was a short walk from the snake river. Greg and Rob fished there as much they could. We all went down to look at the water and the bald eagles at least once.
On Saturday we went to Bear World! An awesome family favorite. We piled all the kids in the back of the suburban and drove through enjoying all the wildlife. They have rides and a petting zoo and huckleberry ice cream and we enjoyed all that they had to offer. Sawyer’s parents and brother and sister-in-law were also with us and it was fun to see them.
In the cabin we played lots of games and watched Hocus Pocus. 

We went to the hot springs and went swimming. It was steamy! The air was cold and we went at night so the kids thought it was quite an adventure!

Ezra’s blessing was beautiful and sweet. After we went to Sam and CJ’a house and grilled and had lunch and took some pictures. When everyone headed home Hannah and Sawyer and Ezra and Rob and I went to walk around the temple grounds and BYUI. It was very pretty out & we enjoyed our Sunday stroll.
In the mid afternoon we left and headed to mom and dad’s house to spend the evening. Sierra came over and Michael was there. We ate dessert and talked and played phase 10.
Early this morning we headed back to the airport. On our first flight there were 8 missionaries headed to their first assignments. We talked with them a little, which was so fun and reminded us of Ethan of course. 
Oh how I wish we all lived near each other. These precious times are too far and few between. 

Val and family were supposed to come with us but Jordyn has Covid:( They are home quarantined so that was sad. The rest was great. We saw a bull moose in the wild, Rob and Greg caught fish, the weather was great, the grands are grand!!

Friday, September 18, 2020


 We got up early early and went to the airport! We’re off to see the grands!!

Ethan is holding down the fort and Grace is spending the weekend with Kaylynn. 

After work yesterday I cleaned everything, as I always do, and as I especially always do when we are leaving town. While sweeping I found 4 lizards, 3 frogs and 1 snake. Dead. Courtesy of Cat who brings them in (as an offering? A token of affection? Cuz he’s a jerk?) and then let’s them go. They hide and die in random places. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Always a surprise

 Last night for mutual the Bishop gave us his 2nd Coming part 2 fireside. It was really great. I’m telling you the spirit is strong when we meet together and talk about the truths of the gospel and the hope we have in Jesus.  It was amazing. I came home and looked up some of the things we had talked about and gave it some good thought. 

One little point he made was from 1 Nephi when the angel teaches Nephi about the church of God and the church of the devil. I have had problems with that idea because I know many good and faithful people who go to other churches, who are sincere in their faith and worship, who do good, who are Christlike. I have always felt like there is truth to be found in many places and good people to be found everywhere. But last night the bishop clumped those other churches as “every system of salvation that doesn’t actually save” and it hit me suddenly, and with an understanding which was probably obvious to everyone else, that there was the crime of it, the wrongness, the evil. It is not the good people who follow and look for truth that are the problem but it is the fact that the almost truth keeps them away from God. It brings them “this close” and then fails them. It promises peace but doesn’t provide. How tragic.

We talked about how our God is a God who saves. Who will save His people thru the fire, how appropriate today with the entire west coast being on fire. 

I am so grateful that He is mindful of us, that He is present in our lives, that His promises are sure and wisdom is great.

In other news yesterday Grace went to the ENT and we learned that she has some bi-lateral hearing loss (Part of EDS?)we shall see. We are are on a medical mystery scavenger hunt and hope to get some answers and some help for troublesome symptoms that she lives with. She’s a warrior. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

are you awake?

Last night we couldn't sleep.  I don't know why.  I lay awake on and off thru the night.  A couple of times Rob asked "why are you awake?" To which I answered "I don't know, why are you awake?" So this morning I was tired, and tonight I am still tired. 

Happy news! The Orlando temple is going to phase 2!! We wondered if Ethan would leave on his mission unendowed, and maybe we wouldn't get to go with him his first time.  But next monday it's open and hopefully soon we will be able to go with our boy.  I can not wait.  I can't wait for Ethan to get to go, it is a wonderful experience.  I also can not wait to go back again myself.  I miss it. A lot.

We had our first confimred case of COVID 19 at our school.  So there's that. Today was a busy day, as they all are.  It's been raining, like usual.  We also have 5 storms brewing out in the Atlantic, which is crazy.  Our world is, in a word, going crazy.  My day to day is only different in small annoying ways but around the globe there are so many disasters, illnesses and issues.  There are many people who's day to day is profoundly different.  I am sad for the suffering and pray for the Savior's swift return. 

In the meantime I applied for grad school.  I always planned on getting a masters.  When I married Rob and we started growing our family I kind of stopped thinking about it and was busy raising 6 kids and moving from time to time.  It's always been in the back of my mind, and finally I decided if I am going to do it now seems like the best time.  I'll be done by the time I am 55 and then I'll have at least 10 years to work until Rob is ready to retire and we can serve missions.  Grace is almost grown and as we live tragically far from the grandkids this will be good.  If I get in.  Oh, my intended degree is in education counseling. So we will see. 

Last night we watched Elder and Sister Rasband's face to face for young adults.  It was amazing.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday selfie

Sunday evening finds us gathered in the living room. Ethan is playing the piano, Rob is playing the Xbox. I am blogging. Grace gave the animals their heart worm and flee meds and then headed upstairs to do her home work. Our days of two kids in the home are drawing down. I am happy for my little ones who are now not little, who are grown and living good lives. I talked with Hannah and Sawyer today. Ezra is getting so big! Can’t wait to see him Friday! I also talked with Dani and with mom. 

We went to church and it was especially good. Spencer Lyon gave a great talk. He had recently studied all the invitations President Nelson has given since becoming prophet and the accompanying promises. That was amazing! Shannen spoke and was awesome, as she always is. It was fun to wave to people. I long for the day we are back to meeting for real but for now I am happy for what we get.

I made waffles for lunch and then worked on my blanket in the afternoon. Rob and I have been watching TURN on Netflix and we’ve been enjoying it. 

Friday evening Grace and I went to Epcot. Saturday we did lots of chores, Rob and Grace went shooting, Ethan and Jackson hung out. Rob and I went to dinner, we went to Bonefish, we hadn’t been there in a long time and it was delicious!


Thursday, September 10, 2020

This and that

Tuesday night we had YW in the parking lot. We can only have 20 people in the building at a time on weeknights (which doesn’t make sense because we can have 100 on Sunday??) and it was the boys turn. We had an art lesson by Maya, and played BOM bingo, and played 2 truths and a lie. Kristina made Rice Krispie treats. Everyone had fun and we had a great turn out. Side note, it rained on us the whole time๐Ÿ’•

Last night we had a band fundraiser at Burger Fi. We had fun going out together.

We painted our island and it turned out great. We were both nervous to do it and we are both happy. It was a one day project and only cost about $70!

Oh my goodness how cute are these two?!!! I get to see all the grands in a week!!

Tonight Grace will be late to band practice because we are going to the eye doctor. She feels like her vision has sharply deteriorated recently. EDS is a never ending challenge with something new every day it seems. Idk if this is related or not but off we go. Poor Lu. She is brave. 


And in conclusion this pumpkin pie face!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor day


Our family is all over the place. It was fun to check in and see how everyone was spending their long weekend. 

Andrea and Yoho took the boys to Sedona.  The went to a fun place called Slide Rock! Our country really has some beautiful places and amazing things to see and do. 

Tatum and Payton had a beignet stand. They made them, and sold them, and pocketed some $$!

Anna and Amadeo took a trip to Lake Tahoe with some friends. Here’s Joneaux wake surfing!

Alec and Kelly went down to Val’s for the weekend. I know they went and tubed the Provo and they all went to Mom’s for lunch on Sunday. 

Clayton’s family has a  mini family reunion. They went on the lake and apparently Ruby and Cora were not impressed!

Emily and her family hung out at home. And Sierra and Jenna met up with Val and Alec and company for some JDwags fun!

Here in Florida we went to Disney Springs. We went to Sea World for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon to see some friends of Rob’s who have a band play. We’ve heard them before and they are good so that was fun, it was super hot though so after they played we went home. 

We had home church on Sunday. We only get to meet every other week. I made a complicated dinner that everyone liked but thought it wasn’t worth 3 hours of time to make. I like to try different things from time to time. It is not always a success however.

We watched the new Mulan with fancy popcorn and that was a success. I liked it a lot.

The nice thing about a 3 day weekend at home is you can sleep in, stay up late, take a nap (we didn’t actually this time but we could have).
Today Ethan and Jackson went to the movies, and went to play basketball.
Grace had Kaylynn over. They played uno, played their clarinets, swam, roller bladed and made meringues.

Rob and I did some house projects. We ran some
errands and the day went well.

Hannah and Sawyer and Ezra hung out with some friends and did some grocery shopping. School starts up for them this week so they will be busy all the time, hopefully they enjoyed the last weekend of summer.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Mutton bustin


Penny went to the rodeo with her family some months ago. They saw kids just her age riding sheep, or in the vernacular mutton bustin. She wanted to do it too. Dani found another nearby rodeo that was before her 8th birthday (which is the cut off age) and this was the weekend. Her video was very cute and she looked very rodeo ready in her hat and boots!

Last night I made meal in a bag. I usually love them but this one was just okay. 

More than just okay though was marching practice! They are hoping for some parades and it was like Christmas morning the kids were so excited to be out on the sweaty field! Marching is so fun for Grace!!
Ethan and Sawyer both have working hands now. Sawyer got a job doing landscaping and he has sunburned hands and neck now all the time.

Ethan punches the bag and has cut up knuckles. A perk of teaching kick boxing?

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Young Women


We met at Disney Springs tonight to have a scavenger hunt.  We divided the girls into two groups and gave them a list of photos they needed to take and a list of rules.  Then off they went.
Sage, Grace, Lettie and Cameron

After they got all their photos they had to come find us at the Dole Whip stand and we got them treats and visited for a little while.  Everyone had fun!

Grace, Lettie, Berenice, Sage, Laci, and Danika (Maya and Cameron seated in the photo above)