Thursday, February 6, 2020

catching up from what??

Where does the time go?

Monday was super busy at work.  Robbin and I had spent days preparing the transcripts for all the juniors and seniors and we finally finished up. In the evening we walked Salt and Pepper and arrived to a huge mess.  One of them was sick in their shared crate.  When the door opened they ran out and spread poopy paw prints on the carpet and rubbed on the walls and tile.  They were like little poop rockets.  Grace and I got to spend a long time cleaning and shampooing and walking them.  We sure earned her $5 that night.

Tuesday after school Grace had an appointment with the eye doctor.  She got a prescription for glasses, it's not very strong.  My bet is she will mostly not wear them but we filled it. I made chicken burrito bowl for dinner, per Ethan's request. 

Yesterday was YW.  Danika planned the activity and I think it went well . She had a couple different things for the girls to do.  First we played "and suddenly", then we did back to back drawing, lastly she had each girl sit in a chair and there was a large mirror behind them.  All the other girls wrote on the mirror things they liked about the girl sitting in the chair.  When they were done she'd turn around and see all the fun things that were written about her.  The girls took pictures and all were pleased to see the nice compliments their friends were sharing with them.
Grace wasn't there because it was the last home basketball game.  After mutual I went over and watched the end of the game.  The band makes those games so fun and peppy.  Our team did great.  We scored over 100 points and won the game.  The stands were crowded and the noise was deafening but it was super fun.
Also yesterday Grace went to the doctor for a refill on her meds.  They don't make the pain go away but they help a little.  Except when she takes them she gets lightheaded more.  (insert sad head shake)

Sierra has been sick, she was supposed to move to Florida last weekend.  I am not sure when she'll come now . Lots of people at work have been sick too, kids and adults.  I hope I don't get it.

Rob worked tons of hours at the beginning of the week.  He doesn't get overtime any more so now he takes extra time off when he works so much.  He had more than 40 hours at the end of Wednesday so today he and Lincoln went fishing. 

Rob's job is going to have him travelling a lot soon.  We've been talking about my job and what to do about it.  I have a hard time doing my paid job and doing my more important mom job and doing both well. It's a really hard decision.  On the one hand I like what I do.  The days go fast and I get to talk to a lot of kids and help them out.  I also love the counselors I work with, and I like being in the know at the  school.  And I like the extra $.  And I like that I "only" work when school is in session.

I miss my house, my free time, being able to clean everything and go to the temple each week, and I miss being a good ministering sister. And I don't have time to talk on the phone or watch TV.  So hmmm

Today is senior field day for Ethan. I remember kindergarten field day like it was yesterday. He’s such a good boy! Love him!

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