Tuesday, December 7, 2021

A bad day that ended on a high note


Tonight we had a band concert, for concert band.  Thursday will be jazz band.  It was really fun! They just finished marching season so only had a couple weeks to get ready but I thought they were great.  I especially loved the last number, Sleigh Ride, which was combined with the orchestra.  They sounded amazing!

So the bad part.  We were robbed! Cyber robbed, or hacked, or whatever the right term is.  Someone stole around 20,000.  We will probably get it all back but it is still frustrating and infuriating and inconvenient. What is wrong with people?
And school has been kind of wild since we came back from thanksgiving.  Yesterday we had an active assailant drill, today we had a fire drill, and we had a random classroom metal detector check (which means the police came and "invited" everyone outside and checked their back packs and had them go through the metal detector.  They randomly choose a few classes on campus and check everyone. My class wasn't chosen but the one next to mine was so we saw the whole group walk up and everyone was super distracted trying to peek out the window and wondering what was going on.  No one knew they were coming so I was also wondering and hoping it was nothing.  4-5 police officers and all the administration is an alarming group. 

Rob had to deal with the bank thing and was texting me but of course I couldn't talk and could only check my texts every now and then. It was super stressful for him.

Now, annoyingly, all our accounts are frozen and we have to wait for new cards to come in the mail.  Fortunately I got gas yesterday!

Cat crimes- also our cats are the worst. Todays examples: Luca, probably, was mad that he was inside and knocked over the giant water bowl and splashed it around the kitchen. Taco, who is now big enough to jump onto the counter gleefully did so and “caught” a wet sponge in the sink. He then trotted it up the stairs and left it as a gift to Rob, on his pillow. Taco loves Rob!

Deodorant deception- I’ve been a little smelly the last couple of days. Which surprised me. Then I looked at my new deodorant bottle and it is only antiperspirant:( 

And worst of all our bathrooms by our portables are shut down:( that means we have to run to the main building to use the bathroom. This is stressful!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! That is terrible! I am so sorry. Josh one time had his identity stolen and the guy rented a U-Haul truck that he never returned and he also tried to buy some stuff at Kohl's. It was such a stupid mess. Yours is much worse and I am so sorry!
