I had a good flight home. I watched movies both there and back, RESPECT on the way there and Queen Bees on the way back. I liked both. In Utah we watched The Big Year which was also good. That’s a good movie week for me! Rob picked me up from the airport and then came home and smoked meat, we went to the Walkenhorst’s for dinner and had a nice time. Jon’s mom, Barbara lives with them now and she’s super cute, and I always like spending time with Jen.
Today I’m was back to work. I missed the kids and had a good day. Before I left I made a bargain with the kids, if they were good and worked for the sub they would get popcorn and a movie. If they were good three days they’d get just popcorn. Two or less and they’d be in trouble. I made popcorn buckets (on paper) that had four stripes on them. Each day the sub could have them color in a section if they were good (we had block schedules Monday and Tuesday so they only had four class periods last week). Anyway, one class got a movie (to be enjoyed on Friday), one got a popcorn party and the rest trouble especially one class of geniuses who took their paper down the second day and colored in all the sections 🤦🏽♀️. Cheating so poorly is punishable by a long lecture and extra work for no extra credit.
I enjoyed my week helping out. I was thinking about some of the highlights on the way home. Of course meeting Darcy and getting to hold her was amazing. My favorite moments with Coco and Rubes were in the early morning, several times they hopped in bed with me, one on each side, and we talked and laughed together. It was warm and cozy and they were sweet & cuddly. Marshall was “sick” and came to the aquarium with us, he was chatty and funny and clever and helpful, that was my favorite Marshall moment. It was super fun to have Penny and Tatum with us at dinner. Ezra remembered me and sat on my lap so sweetly after his nap when I was watching him. When Sierra picks me up she was in a good mood, we talked and enjoyed each other’s company and I appreciated her coming to get me and was delighted to spend a little time together. Jenna and I sat looking at Darcy a lot, in the way only a new mom and a new grandma can so thoroughly enjoy. Dani and I sat on the couch watching the Olympics and talking about nothing special.

I never got to see Val, Jo has Covid for the 3rd time:(, but I did get to see Mom & Dad, Tori and 3 bonus sons so that was great!
Tonight we get to talk to Ethan. Always my fav. This week he got to baptize someone, his first. I was happy for him. I imagine every missionary hopes to teach people who get baptized, and I am sure every elder also hopes to be the baptizer so that was exciting news.
Today Dani told me her good friend Autumn was in a car accident yesterday. She was driving with a couple of her kids, she actually was caravaning with her sister and Autumn’s daughter Summer was riding with her aunt. They were talking on the phone when her car was t-boned by a drunk driver. They are alive, were taken to the hospital, and have been in the trauma unit all this time. They are in critical condition and each have been having surgery and in and out of consciousness. Car accidents are so terrible. I'm praying for them. I also feel so bad for her daughter who heard the whole thing on the phone and saw it moments later. What a nightmare.