Thursday, November 17, 2022


Ezra and Hannah and Tami went to California Adventure last week. Look at his face! So cute!
Hannah and family are moving back to Idaho in January. Back to the cold. Back to school for Sawyer. Today Hannah had an OB appointment. Next month we will learn if baby Poppy is a boy or a girl. I’m thinking girl. 

Ethan is bored. He goes out with the missionaries a lot. He works out. Watches movies. He will be very happy when school starts!

Grace is sick. Also she got into SVU and accepted. We are crossing our fingers that she gets a full scholarship. They think she will🤞 She told me I could post her admission essay:

 “I’ve been afflicted with a disease. Each doctor I saw had a differing opinion that never fit right. Despite seeing the “best” doctors, I continued to grow sicker. As strongly as I know that a miracle could cure me, I am just as strongly prompted that this will be a lifelong struggle for me. As my disease progressed, I felt more and more like something was wrong with me, like I was worthless. That feeling is terrifying because growing up as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I’ve never questioned my worth. My faith faltered alongside my self-worth as I was attacked by thoughts that made me question whether I’m worth fixing. This happened gradually, and before I knew it I was suffocated. I knew something was wrong, and by a divine miracle, I connected with the therapist I did. She’s the first person in my life who I feel understood by and is thus the first I’ve been able to trust with this issue. As I’ve explored my mental health with an earnest desire to heal, I have learned what my disease is. It is a psychological dysfunction that manifests in debilitating physical symptoms. Like a parasite, the disease is ingeniously structured to preserve itself, throwing me in the crossfire of my self-worth. Through all this, I will be saved by the values instilled in me from growing up in the church. Because they are the light of Christ, these values are stronger than the disease. By dedicating my life to the service of the Lord, I have the strength to heal. I have always wanted to be an exceptional doctor and I now know that I will thoroughly study this disease to save kids from it before it grows too late. The needs of upcoming generations are rapidly changing with this exponentially changing world and, to no fault of their own, parents can’t keep up. I want to study medicine and psychology to combat the disease of the crumbling generations. I believe that neurotheology holds the key to the cure to the disease. I would excel at this anywhere, but no school I have found has a community with the same attitude about learning that I felt during my tour of Southern Virginia University. SVU is a magnet for students and staff who, like me, know they have a greater purpose. “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46. On the cross, Jesus lost the comfort of his father. He cried out as he felt the human emotions of abandonment and rejection. From His atonement came the greatest impact on man in history. From His pain, there was purpose. In my strife to be Christlike, I will use my pain for purpose. My studies at SVU will be a catalyst for my positive ripple effect on society.”
Poor Darcy has been sick. Also Jenna is having her thyroid out on December 1. I am praying we don’t have a like mother like daughter thyroid cancer club. For now we are thinking the best and hoping everything goes so smoothly. I wish I was there.

Tatum got her ears pierced today, second hole…like Mimi. Wish I was there for that too!

I actually don’t know what’s new with Chris and Sierra. I know it’s Christmas tree lot prep season & it’s their first married holiday season so I’m hoping everything is sparkly and beautiful.

The girls went to see Mamma Mia this week. They loved it. (Wish I was there). I think everyone is doing well.

I study study study. Hopefully I am also learning learning learning because my brain is slow!

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