Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Grace stayed up all night getting ready. Don’t ask me why. I tried to go to bed and luckily I am pretty good at sleeping thru noises that I know are going to be there but it’s never 100% restful until everyone is tucked in and the house is dark and quiet. 

Anyway at 2 we left to take her to  Blakes, where the two of them were going meet to drive to school together. And she forgot her beanie so we had to go back & then back again. When I got home I lay in bed waiting for the alarm at 3.

Bub and I were supposed to have a short travel day. However the airport was a zoo. Literally I have never seen anything like it. Even though we arrived at 4:30 for our 6:30 flight it was 7:15 before we made it to the gate. Miraculously our flight hadn’t left! They were having mechanical difficulties. I think the airport was so crazy because they were closing at 4 for the hurricane and everyone was trying to get out. Anyway we got on the plane, then a while later we got off the plane. We had to wait for another plane. Listen. If there is any place you want a problem to be discovered it is on the ground. I was not at all mad. It is super inconvenient but what are you going to do?

Finally we made it to BWI, having missed our connection, but having been rebooked on a flight that was only 5 hours later. I did school. Ethan sat. We ate lunch and took a walk and eventually flew to Ohio. 
You know who had an even longer travel day? These two and 150 of their closest band friends. It’s 10:30pm and as of now they are not in Indianapolis yet. 

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