Wednesday, April 26, 2023

How does a day fly by so fast?

I have several goals for my trip here to Idaho. The first is to help Hannah while she is recovering from birth. The second is to have a fun visit with the whole family. The third is to win Ezra over. Fourth is to snuggle baby Lana. 
The hardest one is going to be winning Ezra over. He is not a fan of people who are not his mom and dad. Actually, he likes Nana and Pa but he lived with them for most of his life and they are awesome so what's not to like? I talk to him on Facetime most days but really he hardly pays attention.  The last time I saw him, at Marshall's baptism, he was not a fan. 
Well, quicker than I had dared to hope, I'm getting there. I think being in his home is helpful.  Also, there are no distractions here.  I've just been slowly offering to help him, trying to be fun, giving him space, and jumping at any chance to make an in.  I am happy to report that tonight he came to me and asked for a goodnight kiss. He calls me by name, Mimi, and this afternoon Hannah and Sawyer took Lana to the movies with them while I babysat Ezra and it went great.  He didn't cry once. He played with me and he watched Bolt happily while accepting my offerings of snacks!! Yay!
It's hard to be a long-distance grandma and I never want the kids to doubt my love for them. 

Anyway, it's been a good second day.  Poppy had her first bath.  Hannah and I took the kids to the library for storytime. We didn't actually go to story time but the library is super fun and has a great children's area. It was fun to go.
I make dinner, and snuggle baby, and do what I can to be helpful.  Sawyer is home for two weeks of paternity leave, although he has classes still. It's fun to watch him play with Ezra.  He is the only one allowed to read Ez stories and "Goodnight Moon" is apparently a favorite. I enjoyed listening to it each night and hearing Ezzie laugh at the mush part. He is speaking better since starting his therapies and has said a few things quite clearly.

Sawyer and I both have homework to do, which is fine. We are making time for chatting and Hannah and I have watched Indian Matchmaking each evening.

 Unexpected joys: seeing how well your kids are doing. H&S have a loving relationship and there is a lot of laughter and love and support in their home. Also Hannah gave me some profound insights today as we were talking about patriarchal blessings. I love when I learn from my kids, which is often!

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