It is definitely fall here. This morning it was 44 and the high is only going to be in the low 60's.
When we were on our girl's trip Dani brought me this book. She didn't like it but thought I might. She was right, I enjoyed it. Last week I was on my fall break and finally had time to read it and it was a fun, Halloween appropriate, story. If you like strong women, clean, magical, books that are a quick read this is for you. Rob and I also watched a lot of episodes of New Amsterdam, during my week off. We haven't seen it before, and we are both enjoying it. When we were dating, we watched ER together so it kind of brings us back to those days of staying up late, holding hands on the couch, and watching TV doctors do their thing.

The Spanish Fork library had a Halloween Ball this last weekend. The Brandt kids went to babysit the Johnson kids and all the adults went to the ball. They had a fun time. I love that they live close to each other and are best friends. Ethan also lives near them and spends a lot of time with the sisters. Best case scenario. Well, best-case-adjacent. It would be better if I also lived there, and Hannah and Grace. But still really a great case and it makes me super glad.
Enid and Wednesday |
We had a good weekend. Last night we had Mark and Lyndee and the missionaries over for dinner. Mark is taking the lessons and we thought it would be fun to get to know them better. We had a lesson after dinner and then had dessert that Lyndee brought.
Also, last night Darcy called me. I had a dizzy talk with her as she ran around and showed me the moon, the fire, Si Si, her cookie and all the things. She is so cute!
Rob watched the Ohio State game on Saturday and was happy that they won. I went to the store. I needed a few things for colder weather that I could wear to work.
So bad news on the practicum front. I was all set to go, turned in my paperwork, and there was a clerical problem. Now I have to wait until May to start, which is SUPER frustrating and annoying to me. Seriously I was not happy. I feel an urgency to get done, and a strong desire to dive in and help. I started classes last October and have been taking a full load the whole time, which has been awesome. Now I have to slow down and have this annoying gap! I have to decide, today, whether to take my 2 term D classes that start today and have no classes from Jan to May or push those two and take one at a time in the spring semester and have nothing for the rest of this semester. I am leaning towards the later because the end of Oct. thru Christmas is busy and goes by quickly anyway. Either way I'll take the NCE and the CPCE in the spring so if there is a silver lining it's that no matter which way, I choose to do it I will have a much lighter load and more time to study. (That is me making lemonade).
I got my latest labs back and my TSH was low, meaning I need a little less thyroid. My blood sugar and cholesterol were both high. Which means I eat like crap, I guess. I need to make some changes, so I don't become a diabetic or have a heart attack. The weird thing is the last time I had labs done everything was in the normal range. Is it the drop of dopamine and serotonin that comes from moving out of Florida?? I do walk less, I did a lot of walking before, walking the parks, walking the dog. Now I don't but I'm adding that back into my routine.