Thursday, May 5, 2022


 Cora drew her family and me flying to Florida. How cute is that! Look at that little baby Darcy! Too sweet!

I had to get up really early this morning so I could get a mammo on the way to work, my appointment was at 6:30 so you can do the math!

Then we had a testing day.

Then home and tonight a meeting with a stake presidency member.  When I arrived at the office Laurie was there and Stephanie was there so we visited.  We wondered why we were all there.  Laurie went in first and then Steph and I thought maybe they wanted to talk about camp because there have been a few challenges with ward camp and $ for each ward (Stephanie is the YW Pres. in her ward) But then it turned out that they are looking at seminary for next year.   This year has been a challenging one stake wide for seminary, so challenging that they called in every YWP from each ward to discuss it. “Sadly” since I am moving I am not a good pick. I say that tongue in cheek because OF COURSE I would glad accept any call extended and seminary is a lot of's just so early in the morning.  My many year long fear has been that when Grace graduated I would get called.  I have had a lot of mornings (years of them!) of seminary wake ups.  To be transparent this year I am not getting up with Grace...and she rarely goes.  Hers is online but she often is in a lot of pain and the morning is really hard.  She finds that if she wakes up a little later her body does better.  We need to work out an independent study for her so she can still apply to BYU, and so she can have the personal growth that comes with seminary.  Anyway when Laurie was done then Stephanie went in and Laurie sat down and we chatted until my turn.  

Grace got her ACT score back, she got a 34, which is really great! 

And we found a neighborhood we want to build in so that’s good too.

update: We are going to build in Clark's Rest.  Grace will finish her senior year in Florida and I will teach so we can afford living in two places at once, and traveling back and forth so we can see Rob each month.  When our house there is done, and our house here is sold, and Grace is graduated or 18 and only has a couple months left and has a good family to stay with then I will move too.  So we are looking at 8 months minimum of living apart from Rob...maybe a little more depending on all of the above.


  1. Wait, what? You're coming back too? What neighborhood? What about Grace? Fill me in and I am so excited!
