Friday, October 2, 2020

It feels like s/he’s always been here

First off we are back to the football field! It’s different but we are still glad. The band can only have 60 members per game. Each student athlete, band member, cheerleader, etc gets two guest tickets. To Grace’s good fortune she only has two parents so it wasn’t a hard choice. Not everyone is so lucky.   Anyway, the night is beautiful. It’s cool, we have our stadium chairs, the band is awesome, the football team stinks, people are cheering and happy. Yay!

The clarinets went out to dinner together before the game. Bub and I dropped her off and then we went to dinner. I enjoyed his company and talking with him. He’s interested in what’s going on in the world and has lots of opinions. He is very respectful when mine is different than his and we enjoyed talking together. I’m going to miss that boy in less than 50 days when he leaves on his mission. 

When people have new babies and are in the middle of adjusting to a new family member they often say “it feels like he has always been here” “it feels like she has always been part of the family”. Today I was reading a new mom’s Instagram post and she was saying just that. I know that feeling. It occurred to me that this is a testament to the eternal nature of families. I believe we knew and loved each other before this life, and that we will know and love each other after. That those family ties that bring so much joy are indeed eternal. It strikes me that this is why parents often remark that they feel complete, that the baby feels like they’ve always been a part of the family, and that there is great and instant love. We aren’t meeting someone new, we are being reunited with our greatest loves and joys! What a beautiful plan.

This weekend is conference!! Can’t wait. I have some secret hopes of what I wish to see and hear but mostly I am just so happy to hear the word of the Lord from His servants. 

In other news I got into grad school, so there’s that. I’ll start in a couple of weeks and in 2 years will be a school counselor. 🤞


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