Friday, April 30, 2021

50 First Dates


Another eventful day. I felt like I didn’t get as much sleep last night as the ones before but Sierra rested well. Tonight we have our favorite night tech, Liz, back and I think I will sleep well.  I trust her and feel comfortable with her. Today our tech was Trevor’s sister!! What a small world. Trevor is Tanner’s best friend. We spent a lot of time talking about him today. I have loved all the staff (except one- last nights tech, who was okay but not awesome and it felt weird having her here with us.) They have just been so kind and caring. I am very grateful for that amazing blessing.

Si had hyperbarics in the morning and then she was supposed to go in for her surgery right after. Instead she finally went at 4pm. I did leave to take a shower real quick and spent a little time with Rob. 

Surgery went great. They found that a lot more of her tissue was fine then they had feared (I’ve lost track of what number miracle this is). So they cleaned out the necrotic areas, applied the shark collagen, and now she heals for a few weeks and then she will have the skin graft.

When I got back from showering I learned that she had been in a lot of pain and was upset. 

Ten minutes later the meds kicked in and she was cheerful and ready to take on the world. She did a speedy lap around the ward and impressed the heck out of everyone.

Cognition is very up and down. I see improvements every day but it definitely changes minute by minute. This morning I got a good  pinch for being so annoying and this evening she told Liz and Katie that I was her best friend. She meant both. I am fine. I am just delighted that she’s here and getting better. Up and down is hard but we can do hard things!

Tatum got sick a couple days ago so we haven’t been able to swap. (Did I already say that?...who needs the dive chamber?)
It’s been fine. I don’t mind the hospital. I do wish I could spend some time with Hannah before she goes back to Idaho. 

Sierra was having us cracking up tonight. She ate well, got her bath, and then the four of us were around her bed (Sierra in it of course) and we were just laughing as she told us about work, her hair, meeting Chris and how he’s going to propose and how she loves him and lots of other stuff. It was a bright spot.

She doesn’t remember the accident and we have to tell her about it, and tell her she has broken arms, and tell her not to pull out her feeding tube every 5 minutes, etc, I just sing in my head 🎶forgetful Lucy, she’s got a cute caboosee🎵.

Love that Sierra girl! 

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