Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Ducks (in a row and otherwise)


We were going to do some gardening for YW but it rained hard all day so I had to come up with a last minute something. Pinterest to the rescue. Sort of. I had already planned a “women in the scriptures” night for next month. My problem is there are way more women I’d like to highlight and share lessons from their lives than we could do in one night...or 50 nights. So this was the perfect opportunity to throw in another lady. I chose Hagar and found a great lesson on her. We talked about her life and how even when it seemed bleak,at best (she was alone, pregnant, and in the middle of the wilderness), God still saw her. He sees us, always, no matter how awful and alone things feel. We talked about that and then the girls made a painting to take home. I think it was really fun. We didn’t have a lot of girls there but those who came enjoyed it.

Yesterday we had a mother duck with a broken leg on campus. She had 8 ducklings. They got separated and mom disappeared in the rain. Today the now abandoned babies (I guess, I wonder if there had been a little less helpful intervention if mom may have been able to stay near the babies, but you know what they say about the best of intentions) were adopted by a family who has a little farm and has “always wanted to raise ducks”.   Before they left Bianca and I went over and take a peek. They were really, really cute.
Yesterday Grace got her Covid shot. She also went to the Ophtalmologist. Her brain and eyes are fine. We have been thru all the “ologists” that are even tangentially related to her symptoms that there are. Besides EDS and fibromyalgia there is “nothing wrong” and “not much that can be done”. So good news: no brain tumor or heart problems. Bad news she just gets to live with her symptoms because there is no fix. Next up, counseling to learn how to live with chronic pain. She’s got Lincoln who helps, and she’s tough, but it stinks.

Today after school Grace went swimming at Letties.

Yesterday was the first night of new marcher camp. Since Lu is now a section leader she gets to go to even more band things. She got to drive herself. So that was huge. She did fine and just like that all my ducklings she is now able to drive herself anywhere she needs to go. She’s well on the road to independence. 

1 comment:

  1. My heart goes out to Grace, and you as her mom. Chronic pain is hard, but I am glad we worship a God who is there and comforts and brings peace and hope.
