Thursday, April 15, 2021



First off these little cuties, who we were told were fraternal twins in utero, and who look just alike, got their DNA results back and they are identical! Not that it matters but it's fun to know! They are the sweetest baby girls and hard to tell apart so I wasn't surprised.

This little pumpkin is a licensed driver now.  What?? How did that happen.  One more step toward independence. 

Air ship seems to be moving along.  Which is exciting and scary at the same time.

The Chosen released episodes 2 & 3. I love that show.  I love how relatable the apostles are. Watching this helps makes sense in my mind that they didn't "get it" while Jesus was with them. That's something I that I have thought about a lot.  I love Peter because of his mistakes and the hope it gives me that I can make mistakes and still be useful, but still I would shake my head and think how did they not see? Following Jesus changes us, but not all at once.  It takes a lifetime of following and believing and repenting.   Most of the time the changing, the refining, the "perfecting" is so small, just line upon line really, that we don't notice.  It isn't until later that we can look back and see the progress.  I know this but I didn't apply it to them. Ah ha.  Thank goodness He is perfect since the rest of us aren't!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, someone else who watches The Chosen. We have absolutely loved it. I laugh at your comment "how did they not see it?" I think that all the time, but I then stop and imagine Heavenly Father saying, "Do I need to hit you over the head with a 2 x 4?" I look back on my life and the MANY CHANGES--BIG CHANGES. 47 years I have been a member and I shudder to think where I would be today if I hadn't been touched when I heard the message.
