Saturday, April 24, 2021

The one without a title

 Friday evening we were at Action Gator taking little blue for an oil change and a steering wheel adjustment when we ran in to Jack and Laurie. Jack said hey come over and we can take the jet skis out. So we did. Sage and Grace had fun. We all had fun and ended up staying and eating together. 

Thousands of miles away at the exact same time Sierra and Chris were in an accident. Val called me and it was de ja vu. 10 months ago, same time of night, same panicked called, different well loved young adult family member, same anguish and shock. 

They were driving to a camping trip, Chris was pulling a trailer and somehow whether it was a gust of wind or whatever happened the trailer jackknifed and separated from the truck. The truck flipped down the embankment and Sierra  was ejected from the truck.

Do you believe in miracles?

I sure do. Sierra has horrible injuries, but she’s alive and it looks like she will recover. She broke both her arms, her right arm very severely and she had surgery on it last night. They were able to restore blood flow and she can move all her fingers and toes. She broke her clavicle, her scapula, and many ribs. She has a leak in her lung that is closing on her own, a brain injury that at first looked like it might be devastating but now the doctors think she will recover from. 

Driving on the freeway behind them was a firefighter and a nurse. They stopped to help and saved her life. She had coded but with CPR they kept her heart pumping and oxygen going to her brain.

So we got the call and knelt to pray. Then we got things rolling. We cleaned the house, did laundry packed, made flights, got Grace situated, waited for morning and flew out to Utah at the crack of dawn. Again. 

Dani spent the night with Si last night. I’m staying tonight. We will be trading off.  She will have a second surgery tomorrow. 

The nurses here are amazing. I am very grateful for all the help and care she’s gotten, from angels earthly and heavenly. 

So she’s awake a little bit every now and then. This evening she’s had some confusion but that could be from the meds. She has a little fever and looks pretty bad. From a mom point of view it seems awful, from a trauma nurse POV it seems to be going great, at least that’s what they are telling us. 

So now we wait and pray and do what we can to make sure she gets better.


  1. I will be praying for your daughter and your whole family!

  2. Oh Lana, I’m so sorry. Praying for sweet Sierra and for all of you.

  3. Oh Lana! We are praying for you guys, especially for Sierra’s recovery, and for comfort for all of you. Much love and hugs to you all.

  4. I have been praying and crying. I saw the post on Val's facebook. I am so relieved to know Sierra is recovering. Hugs and prayers.

  5. So very sad about this. May God watch over Sierra and bring quick healing.
