Sunday, November 21, 2021

Diana DeClermont

 I have two house plants that are alive and well. They live in my bathroom and are green and lush. I call them Matthew and Diana DeClermont.  Matthew is a guiana chestnut and Diana a philodendron. Tonight the girls were taking a bath. Rob and I were gone, we were breaking the Sabbath at the state band competition so I don’t know the details but I imagine the girls were happily playing in the bath and Jenna (or Clayton)was sitting on my bed 5 feet away reading or something. Anyway they picked some of the leaves off of Diana and mashed them into the bath. They have great imaginations and play all the time, which is amazing and delightful. They were “foraging”, and there was Diana dangling her long vines over the tub in what was apparently a tempting display. So, who knew?, the philodendron is poisonous . It has oils that make a rash and it can make blisters and can be miserable like poison icy. The girls got itchy. Poison control and the pediatrician were called. Benadryl was administered. It was a whole thing. 3 year olds are wiley. 

Church was really good today. Bro. Lyman is a good gospel doctrine teacher. Both our sacrament meeting talks were good too. I especially loved Bro Malquist’s talk about gratitude. He began by sharing the story of the Savior healing the 10 lepers. Then he asked why did He, this time, wonder about those He healed that didn’t thank Him? Did He suddenly want to be recognized? Was the purpose to teach us that His love language is words of affirmation? Or is there something else we are supposed to learn? Each of the lepers were healed. Nine went back to their lives, presumably health and happy and delighted to be well. The one though had something extra. The Lord said to him “they faith has made thee whole”. Could the message be that our gratitude brings more than physical healing? It brings spiritual wholeness? Our gratitude opens the door to more blessings. I loved that insight!

The band did great tonight. It’s been a good day. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! I love that you named your plants. We’ve got an umbrella tree… plant… thing. We call her Umbridge. ;)
