Sunday, April 17, 2022


Oh boy, the one thing that is always constant is that there is always change in life. Challenges and joys come and go. Children grow up, seasons change, friends move, health challenges come, go, stay, it’s always something. Here’s my life tip: enjoy right now, soak it up. Don’t wish for the past (easy to do), long for the future and it’s imagined perfection (easy to do), just be present. Love who’s with you, enjoy where are you, be grateful for the miracles and help you have during hard times, relish that joys of the day. Do now the best you can and Trust in the Lord with all your heart (like the way I worked the 2022 youth theme in there;) )

Rob got the job at Pax. He’ll be moving in a few weeks. Grace and I will stay in Florida until she’s done with school. This was an agonizing decision. There were no perfect solutions. Grace really doesn’t want to move, as all high schoolers don’t. But right before her senior year is particularly brutal. Plus if she graduates from a Florida high school she will earn the Bright Futures scholarship. Her GPA, SAT, and service hours entitle her to full tuition at any Florida State school and she wants to go to school here. So we begin a new chapter. Military families do it all the time, and we have had friends who have done it as well so I’m sure it will be fine. Maybe when she’s 18 and much closer to graduation we will have her stay with a family here for the last couple months. Nothing is off the table we’ll see how l everything works out.

We had our camp fundraiser last night. It went well, it was tons of work. We threw a breakfast for dinner and an Easter egg hunt for the ward. It was successful, people came, the girls cooked, eggs were hunted. While we were setting up in the morning Cora called and told me that she had gone to an Easter egg hunt and didn’t get any eggs! This was the saddest thing ever. I told the girls, who agreed that it was wrong on every level and we decided to get more eggs so that everyone could find lots! (So off to Walmart we went again)
The bunny found Grace! He brought her some cute clothes and some candy. 

Church was really nice. I found out that my friend Janice is moving with her family to California in June. We will miss them something awful. She’s been the ward RS president for awhile and I love serving with her in ward council and around the ward. She’s amazing.
We got to talk to Ethan this afternoon. We had a ham dinner. Now it’s raining & tomorrow is another week!



  1. That first paragraph was perfectly said! And it’s hard to move before your senior year, especially if you don’t want to. I moved before mine, but I happily moved because I was happy to get out of where I was before. Ha! We will all be so glad to have you back and will keep our fingers crossed that you move into our ward! 😉

  2. Congrats to Rob! My parents moved from New York to Idaho right before my senior year but my oldest sister had just graduated college and came back so I lived with her for my senior year. I missed my parents being around for a lot of stuff but I also appreciated the independence. It was sad for my parents though because they feel like they missed a lot and I am the youngest so they were empty nesters a year early but senior year is when I met Josh so I am so glad they trusted me to stay! Good luck working it all out. Excited to maybe have you back next year!
