When your daughter gets married you cant help but reflect right back to the beginning, Sierra was the most beautiful baby. She was sweet and peaceful and easy. Born on Christmas morning she was the best gift I ever got. Raising her was a sweet and joyful experience. With all the children when I look back I am just so grateful for the honor of being their mom, so filled with happy memories, so mortified at the mistakes I made. The past is always colored with regrets. There are so may things I wish I had done differently, better. Sierra is bright, beautiful, a shining star. She has over come so much and as I think back not only am I so proud of her but I see so many places where I failed her. She rose above all that and is an angel girl. I am so grateful for her. I love her so very much and admire her strength, her courage, her joy. And her wedding day was so so lovely, just like her.
Being in the temple is a sacred, wonderful time. The bride’s room in the Payson temple is gorgeous. Sierra and I had a nice amount of time in there, just the two of us. She was radiant, I loved seeing her so sure of her choice, so peaceful about her life and love, so whole and good and it felt like I got a glimpse, an inkling of, a lifting of the veil moment of, eternity. It was perfect.The weather outside was cold. Windy, overcast, but not raining so we were grateful!
This is a family picture…not a good perfect one for sure, but filled with the people I love. After the bride and groom left (they are off to Hawaii!) we cleaned up, again with a huge amount of help from Chris’ friends, and then went to Danis. Everyone hung out, we played the cereal box game, we talked, the kids ran around. We ordered pizza and Chinese food and enjoyed each other’s company.
She's so beautiful! I'm glad she had a beautiful day to get married and celebrate. What a miracle it all is!