Saturday, April 2, 2022

Conference weekend

Penny was a seagull in her elementary school’s rendition of “The Little Mermaid”.  So cute! 
This cute picture is from the twins zoo birthday! And little Darcy enjoying the day!
This weekend is general conference. Today was wonderful. I think we can easily identify a couple themes, missionary work is definitely the most obvious one. There were many talks about missionary work.This seems very timely. The world is finally opening up after Covid and missionary work which has been impacted by closed borders and whatnot is also opening back up.  It’s been really interesting to watch Ethan and his friends as they have served in different countries and with a lot of uncertainty. I loved those talks.  Another theme has been finding happiness.  There were several talks about depression, overcoming abuse, how to find joy. The world is so full of darkness.  Honestly not a day goes by…well okay the very occasional day does come and go without, but mostly not a day goes by, without me having a conversation with someone about some tragic thing going on in their lives.  Or sometimes there isn’t something going on specifically but they are struggling generally.  Everyone is struggling.  Well, thank goodness we have the promise of peace and joy in Jesus Christ.  It’s not always easy to find it but it is there.
One of my favorite things to do while watching conference is taking creative notes. It keeps me focused (read awake) and then I can easily go back to prepare questions for our conference challenge between the bishopric and the youth.  
I liked this picture.  It kind of says “there is room for everyone at the conference table” to me.  I love the feeding of bodies and the sharing of friendships and the inclusiveness of it.

Yesterday was a long day.  Grace has Katie here spending a few days while her parents are gone.  We all met up at Red Robin after work for some delicious burgers.  Then we came home and I watched the last episodes of the newest season of “Call the Midwife”.  I was sad that to come to the end.

This morning I got up early and went to the lab and got some blood work done.  Then I went to the post office to mail our book club books out.  Then to Target to return a dress.  Then to the grocery store.   I got home in time for the first session.

In other news the war in Ukraine is going.  Ukraine is pushing Russia back and I am so glad to see it.  I started following this instagram.  Brother Polonski spends his days delivering food to people in the Ukraine and shows how things are going.  It’s awful, as war is.  There are a lot of people who are bravely fighting for freedom.  There are a lot of people helping each other out and looking out for each other.  There are a lot of people who are living in bombed out homes, trains, and metro stations.  

So, what’s left for me? Prayer.  I pray for peace.  I pray for a cure.  I pray for people’s hearts to feel peace, to follow Christ, to be lifted.  I pray for the missionaries, and my children, and my husband.  I pray for healing for friends who I know are sick or hurting.  I pray for world leaders, community leaders, school leaders.  I pray for anything and everything I can think of ….and sometimes it’s a lot of things. I pray for the Savior to return.  And with those prayers come, hopefully, as many prayers of gratitude.  I am grateful that my mouth doesn’t hurt at all.  I am grateful that Darcy is better.  I am grateful that we have a Wedding this month! I am grateful for a living prophet.  I am grateful for Zelensky’s leadership.  I am grateful for sunny days.  I am grateful for the Book of Mormon. I am grateful to live near Disney. I am grateful for FaceTime.  I am grateful for two arms.  I am grateful for chocolate, and Easter, and books, and podcasts, and a car that is getting a little less stinky, and wonderful YW to serve and wonderful women to serve with…and a whole lot of other things as well.


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