Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Senior band uniform try on. 

            Also pictures of Grace and her “babysitters”.

I am literally counting down the minutes until her appointment with the therapist because she is really struggling since school has started and she makes me nervous!

 We met with the builder and picked a lot and house plan. Now we build. Here’s the sad story. Rob and I often want different things in life. We want the same thing as far as: for each other to be happy, to raise happy & healthy kids, to follow Jesus. The important things. The other things though🤷‍♀️

Rob likes to stay up late. I like to go to bed early. He likes it cold, I like the summer and to be cozy. He is mathy and smart. I am not. He loves to fish, I think it’s cruel (unless you eat them.) He loves motorcycles & guns and I think they’re dangerous. I love Disney, he hates crowds & heat & spending tons of $$ (at Disney…hello $9 hot dog). I don’t put my head under the water, he is a fish. I’m a nervous flyer and he builds jets for a living. 

And for the house. He wanted to move. I did not. I want to live in Leonardtown side by side with my next door neighbor and in the same ward as all our friends. He wants land and a workshop. Enough room for his hobbies of wood turning, boat storing, and archery, and to be close to work. I wanted a neighborhood  pool. So we literally can not both have what we want. There’s no way to compromise. Someone had to decide to be happy with what the other one wants. So this time it’s me. And I am happy with it. The house is beautiful and the land is gorgeous. It’ll be a bit longer drive to everywhere we want to go and I’ll have to make new friends …or not. I’ll have those dumb cats to be friends with.

Ethan at a leadership meeting with the new mission president. Love a surprise photo!


  1. Noooooo!!! I’m so sad you won’t be in our ward! 😢 Where is your land?

  2. We are still excited that you are moving back to St Mary's county? Where are you building? Gary's next project is to turn our garage into a workshop for his woodworking projects. I just retired and am looking forward to lunches and activities with sisters. I hope the building and moving process goes well.
