Tuesday, August 23, 2022


This cutest baby in the world wore her first ponytail today!
We had our first pep rally of the year. It was stormy so it was moved inside the gym, which was actually quite nice. And it was lots of fun to hear the pep tunes again!

Diana and I went to the movies today to see Mack & Rita. It was okay, kind of like Big but not as funny. Anyway we both agreed that it was good for a one time viewing on a discount Tuesday. 

 This is me 🤣 The funny thing is that I think everyone feels like this all the time. When I was in high school I remember feeling like I had a lot going on -lots of classes, seminary, after school job, all the teenage things.
When I was a young mom I felt like I had lots of things to juggle- babies, doing daycare, going to college, a calling, family, housekeeping, disappointing husband.
When I was a single mom I felt like I had lots of things to do- work, the girls, finishing college, callings, dating (or not dating depending) 
You get the picture. No matter what phase of life you are in it always feels like there is a lot going on. In retrospect some of the old challenges seem like they should have been easier, some seem like “wow that was really hard I never want to do that again”. The thing is it was a challenge at the time, and that’s something to remember. Everyone has lots of challenges in their lives and it doesn’t matter if someone’s challenge seems like it would be easy for you, or super hard. Either way our job is to help and lift each other and show each other grace…and show ourselves grace. 
Like all the other phases of life this one also feels like a lot sometimes. Ironically if you had asked 40 year old me, or 20 year old me what life would have been like now I would have thought it would have been easier, more figured out! 
Turns out 54 year old me knows, and has known for a while that life doesn’t get easier. It gets different and there are different joys and different struggles but there are always both. 

So right now I’m working on keeping my particular set of balls in the air, not dropping any, and hoping it all goes as “planned”.

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