Wednesday, November 18, 2020

18 years 5 months later...


well, our boy is a missionary.  So amazing.  It looks very different than what we had imagined but he's in the Lord's hands.  I remember so well the day we found out we were having a little boy.  Although the odds are 50/50 we had had four girls and I was a "girl mom".  I completely expected to have a 5th girl and then a 6th or 7th.  I was unreasonably surprised then to hear "it's a boy".  It was daunting to me.  First of all cub scouts.  I had no idea, and didn't want to have any idea. Second I am not a man hater but it is no surprise to me to ever hear something awful or disappointing that a man has done.  They are just...Idk. This made me nervous. Thirdly I felt so responsible to raise a priesthood holder, a missionary, someone who would be the Lord's disciple.  (not that I didn't want those things for the girls, because I do and did- the task just seemed like it would be easier.)

And then we had this boy.  His birth was a sacred special experience.  Born on the road, in our suburban, on the way to the hospital, in what can only be described as an undeniable miracle he came into the world and changed our lives. He was the sweetest, cutest boy.  He was obedient and cuddly and smart.  We delighted in finding his guys set up around the house, laughed at his arsenal  of lightsabers, made room for his jumping around on the couch or bed, beamed as he learned to read, write and reason at a young young age.  

Cub scouts turned out to be so much fun, as did soccer practice, chess club, boy toys and games and all the boyish charms of childhood.  He is funny and talented and amazing.
He is athletic and has always had his own cheering section.  He's faced moves, disappointments, making new friends time and time again with cheerful grace. As we reached milestones, baptism, first time to the temple, priesthood advancement, etc, he has been ready and willing.  
We have been surprised time and time again at how much we love him, how obedient he is, how thoughtful and kind and mature.  We have seen the hand of the Lord lead him, and we have seen him seek that guidance.
So the mission.  We anticipated a marvelous MTC experience followed by a flight to somewhere to serve. Instead we have home MTC and some uncertainty about where he will start and if he will make it to the place he was called.  Again he is cheerful and ready.  
Last night he was set apart by our wonderful stake president.  He gave him a blessing that was powerful, comforting, and full of counsel and warnings and promises. It was a wonderful evening.

Then we went to the airport and picked up mom and dad.  They are here to visit for a couple of weeks. Nana and Abba are driving in today, and in typical Ethan fashion he will start a new adventure with his own cheering section!

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