Thursday, November 5, 2020

Temple Night


How delighted we were that the temple was “open” and that we got to go with our boy. It was very special. 

Ethan has some men in the ward that he is close to, we invited them and their wives to come with us and of course they were beyond excited as well. Just being able to go to the temple after all these months was enough to make any of us giddy. But going with Ethan was even more special. 

Everything was so very nice. The workers were so very happy to be there. It was very private and quiet as we were the only patrons but that was super nice actually. They didn’t rush us and the spirit was strong. 

From left to right are: Katty who I love. David her husband was taking the picture. He is our bishop and he was Ethan’s seminary teacher for a year and a half. We love him.  Then Laurie (Jack was also there just not in the picture). They are Ty and Connor’s parents. Ethan has spent a lot of time at their house and is very good friends with the boys. Then there is Doyle and Diane Williams. He’s in the bishopric and Ethan really enjoyed his talks so I asked if he could teach temple prep which ended up being such an amazing experience. The Junker’s are next. Jackson is E’s Florida best friend and the boys spend as much time at their house as they do at ours. They are a great family. On the far left is Andy and Ashley Gooch. Andy was in the bishopric when we moved here and he and Ethan hit it off, they’ve played tennis together, gone on bike rides and had good chats. We got to have up to 16 people come and he knew just who he wanted to invite. 

If you can’t have your family I am grateful we could have our ward family. The gospel brings so many blessing into our lives and the fellowship of the Saints is one of those.

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