We had the day off of school yesterday for MLK day. In past years we had the day off and I gave it no real thought. Yesterday I gave it thought. In my perspective we have had few racial tensions in my lifetime. I really thought that we were passed all that. Interestingly Robbin, who is black, says the same thing. (That she has not felt like there was a lot of prejudice until recently. She grew up in NY)Something has changed. I am completely open to the possibility that it was always there and I was oblivious, in fact I think that to some degree I was. I remember years ago in MD talking to Madison’s dad while the two girls swam at our community pool. We were sharing a shady table under an umbrella. We were the same age but he was a black man who grew up in LA (the state) and I a white woman who grew up in CA. That conversation opened my eyes to things I didn’t know. Still he felt like a lot of the country and the world was doing well and that the deep
South had specific to their region issues. I wonder what he would say? Racial tension is really surging and it’s sad. The election this time is also just fraught with tension and discord. It’s embarrassing and sad and I can’t believe any of it. (Signs of the times)
So what did we do with our day? Ivana and I went on a long walk. When I got back Grace and Belle wanted to go to the Florida mall so drove them and wandered around for a couple hours while they shopped.
Elder Utzinger calls us at 11pm on Mondays. I’m always happy to hear from him and to see how he’s doing. He’s doing great! This picture was taken after Dani and Greg hung up and Rob had fallen asleep. 
Last week they bought too many bananas on accident. He said they did eat them all.
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