Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Last night Grace had pep band. I didn’t go because we had a YW car wash. I got home before her and Rob and I decorated her room and put her presents in it! A Wednesday bday isn’t that fun and the party is this weekend but I wanted to make the actual day special too, so obviously surprising her the night before was the best way to do that!

Today some of her friends made birthday tributes for her, which I thought was super fun!

After school I told her we could do whatever she wanted to and she could pick where we went for dinner. She wanted to go shopping for dog formal wear, like a tux or something,  and then Papa John’s. 

Just like on the day she was born today was also Inauguration Day. We watched at work and now we have a new President and the first female VP. Most of the women had on pearls and tennis shoes in honor. I thought President Biden’s speech was very good, and I thought it was so selfish of Former President Trump not to go to the inauguration, for the sake of the country he should have stepped up and showed up. 
So now we just pray for wisdom and success for our new administration, just like we did for the last one. Neither of which I voted for but both of whom I want very much to do an amazing job. 

The day wasn’t too busy so I had time to read. I am reading the most beautiful book, not like beautifully written although it is, but the physically most beautiful book. It has wonderful illustrations in it. It’s sort of about nature but really it’s about the nature of humanity and our responsibility for our planet. 

Recently I read “Born a Crime”, our book club book about a mixed race man born in apartheid. I liked it but it had too many Fbombs. And I read the new Twilight, I know embarrassing;) 


  1. We read Born a Crime last year for book club and I agree with you! We have read some good books lately: The German Midwife, Lucky Boy, Becoming Mrs. Lewis, Giver of Stars, Where the Wind Leads and this month we're reading Under the Tulip Tree. I was just thinking about how our book club has been going strong since 2009 or 2010 when you, me, Liz and it seems like one other person (maybe Debby?) had a little meeting to decide how we were going to do it. Good times! Are you on

    1. I'm not on goodreads.
      Thanks for the book list, I haven't read most of them.
