Thursday, January 7, 2021



First off Rob has lost 10 lbs.  This is amazing.  He's really taking his doctors directions to heart and has been eating carefully and exercising. 

We are in the middle of florida winter. That means we were sweatshirts or cardigans in the morning but the afternoons are warm.

Monday night Ethan called.  Rob and I were both home and both very happy to talk to him.  He actually hasn't been gone very long but it's super weird none the less and I wonder during the day about what he is doing/eating/is he cold/who is he teaching/is he happy/is he working hard/are his companions nice/and so on.

Tuesday night was YW.  We had a get to know you night for "our new girls" (who didn't come anyway...we only have one and she turned 11 on dec 31.  She is a baby girl literally. ) I don't know if she will come this year and to be honest if she was my daughter I would prefer for her to stay in primary for another year, especially since we don't have anyone near her age.  The girls were each given a piece of paper, a pen and a balloon.  They had to write a question on the paper, roll it up and put it in the balloon, blow the balloon up and tie it off (then give it a hand sanitizer balloon bath (thank you covid)) and throw it in the middle of the circle.  Each girl then chose a balloon, popped it and read the question.  She answered it and then we went around the circle and everyone got to answer it.  I thought it was fun and we got to know a lot about the girls.  After we did a short activity on making goals and the girls wrote down some goals for the year.  It was good.

Yesterday Grace went to Lettie's after school.  They drive her home every wednesday, which is so so  nice.

This week we haven't had seminary.  Also so so nice. I don't like to complain but those early mornings are tough!

Rob fixed our vacuum.

Grace permed her eyelashes.

look at these cute girls, they love to make bread :)

This week Tatum and Penny are performing their musical "Frozen". I wish I was there to watch it, and to make the bread.

Hannah started school. Ezra doesn't want to take a bottle.  That is super stressful as a new mom.

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