Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Pretty good day

This morning I set my alarm. Bob Black had a layover here and we met up for a social distancing breakfast.  It was great to see him and say hi. We miss living near our great friends. Luckily we keep in touch and get together from time to time.

When I got home I did some work. Then I sat out by the pool and finished my book. “Wild Life”, which I thoroughly enjoyed. After I had finished Sierra and I walked the dogs and I told her the story. She said it sounded like “Mean Girls”, which I had never seen. So then I watched it and liked it too, I thought I wouldn’t but I did.  It was a little like the book.

We spent some time drawing outside. The kids did homework. 
Oh! This was exciting I finally vacuumed under the couch. It’s needed it for awhile so I was very happy to get to it.

I recorded some books for the girls to listen to so that was fun. 
We made banana bread today & dinner was scrounge for yourself night. 

We watched John Krasinski’s SGN. I love all the great stuff people out putting online to share with others and lift their spirits. QH Ward’s Virtual prayer meeting each night is my favorite. 

So I am totally ready for this quarantine to be over, and for people to be back to work, back to school, back to being together and the list of stuff I miss is long but there are some parts that are not that bad. 

I love reading until late at night. Sometimes I have my book open until 1-2 am. I haven’t done that since I was a teenager. 
Lots of time playing games. Usually it’s Sierra and I, sometimes Grace or Ethan will join us. Tonight we tried Quixx and that was fun. 
Being at home. I do love that. I love the made beds, sparkly toilets, fresh stacked towels and shiny color coded dishes. 
I love that we have not missed family scripture time. 
I love sitting in my yard.
I love sleeping as long as I want in the morning and having time for long conversations. 

I realize that in large part I can enjoy those things because a) I know this will not last forever b) we are blessed with good health & lovely weather c) I am not alone and d) we don’t have money worries. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You certainly have some talented artists in your family!
