Monday, April 13, 2020

Why do I keep writing

Every day is very the same. Well today was actually different. We have had a list of things we wanted to do to the house. Mostly small, a few bigger. I tend to procrastinate things like that. Pulling the trigger on spending the $, finding workmen, being home for the work to be done, deciding exactly what color or tile or whatever it is, spending the money.

Last week Rob was working in the yard and saw some guys working on our neighbors house. I guess he talked with them, I didn’t ask, but the next thing I knew Diego was walking thru our house and we were pointing out the items on the list (from 6 ft away). Then before I knew it things were settled and today they came. The kids literally stayed in their rooms the entire day. Grace did all her school work for the week. Sierra discovered the joys of VPN and signed up for a German one that lets her watch different shows. Ethan slept, did homework and idk what else. I sat on my bedroom couch working from home, or talking on the phone, and occasionally answering a question from the workers.  They wore masks and we stayed far away. Dumb and reckless?? I really don’t know.  We are having them paint, put up a backsplash and build a door between our master bedroom and the master bath.

So when they left the kids said it was even worse than normal quarantine and how long was it going to take. 3 days.

I talked to Anna for a long time. Hannah and Sawyer for a little while. Nana for a medium amount of time, and Dani and Tatum longishly medium.

I also talked to JaNee and Mom a couple of times. Dad was out running and tripped and fell, he scrapped up his poor face really badly. Luckily he didn’t break any teeth and after a visit to urgent care which turned into a trip to the ER we learned he didn’t break anything or have bleeding in his brain or anything. Thank goodness. He looks terrible though and I feel so bad for him. I think he’ll have a horrible headache.

I hate that we live so far away.

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