4:30 am, his bags were packed and we drove off into the dark. This time headed to the airport so that Ethan could fly off to start his first assignment as a missionary. Home MTC is done and he’s off to work. Neither Rob nor I slept well the night before. As we tossed and turned waking each other up, or maybe just being aware that the other was awake, we’d whisper things like “I can’t believe he’s going”, “I’m remembering all the times- the soccer games, scouts, friends, video games, service activities, school days...”
The drive there reminded me of another early morning drive the 3 of us made. This one to the hospital to start Ethan’s mortal life. Only he was too anxious to wait and actually made the drive with us! This time he was too anxious to wait long enough for a picture by the giant Christmas tree at the airport, or for a long teary goodbye, or even to turn and wave. He all but bolted thru security ready to go. I was able to see him thru the plexiglass barrier as he was putting his shoes back on and picking up his bag. I smiled behind my mask and put up the I love you hand, he gave me a thumbs up and a wave.
So that was weird. Weird to think we won’t see him, or hug him, of have him here with us for two years...and then really forever I guess as he’ll come home now and then but his life will be somewhere else. Somewhere at college, then at a job, and then with his own wife and family. But for now he’s on the Lord’s errand and we are here. Proud, happy, nervous, trusting, worrying, missing him, remembering, looking forward, praying. All the things. It went too fast, that’s for sure. I really really love that boy.
He’s ready.
We waited anxiously for a call, or text, or email saying he had arrived and all was well. In the meantime Hannah and Sawyer had to pack. We had one last afternoon together. Hannah wanted to go to Bealls. We went to Pei Wei and Target too. We admired Ezra and how strong and handsome he is. We gathered all their stuff and wished their trip was longer. We even talked about changing their flight. I wish we lived near.

So we didn’t hear anything. Eventually (at 6pm-ish) I called the mission home. I had seen other missionaries arriving on Facebook and it was too much the not knowing. I won’t say the silly things I imagined. The senior missionary who answered the phone was kind and quick to say that he had picked Ethan up himself. He said he was happy to be there. He has two companions that both speak Spanish and he replied “gracias” in response to the help he was given. I promised myself and the Elder that I wouldn’t call again and hung up relieved and delighted to know that he had made it and all was well.
We got Ez and his parents to the airport on time. He grew while he was here I am sure! Then we stopped by Costco, talked to mom and Alec on the way home and had dinner with our only child left at home, our caboose, Grace.
What a wonderful adventure this life is. What a joy family and the gospel are. How blessed Rob and I are.