I’m at DFW on a layover. Sierra drove me to the airport early this morning. I have some time so I thought I’d jot down some final thoughts about my trip.
First off I am grateful I got to go. There is nothing I love more than doing something for the people I love and babysitting for Jenna and Clayton is at the top of the list💕
When I was little we spent a lot of time at my grandmother’s house in San Francisco. I was blessed to know and love my Deda and two Babas. One thing I often remember is laying in bed at night after the day was done. Alec and I slept in beds in Baba Olya’s room and later Michael joined us. The lights from the cars driving past on the road would cast streams across the ceiling. We would whisper and talk, often I would tell him stories. Downstairs we could hear the voices of the adults drifting up as they talked and laughed late into the night. This was some comforting and sweet.
Each night this week as we’d tuck Cora and Ruby into their cribs I would think of them listening to the people they love downstairs as we talked and it reminded me of my childhood days. I hope they felt as happy and cared for.
Everyone was smitten with Ezra. He is the sweetest baby. He hardly cries and has the biggest smile! The girls loved him, the Brandt’s loved him, everyone thought he was adorable. He was so good everywhere we went which was so nice.

They did not go to sleep easily. Last night they were laughing and talking until 10. They were tossing a Minnie Mouse back and forth between their cribs and we could hear their cute conversations as we watched Elf a floor below.
It was so fun to hear them talk all week, to play with them, to read books, and supervise baths. We did the potty dance a lot as each girl had successful trips to the bathroom, we watched some Clifford and Llama Llama. We colored a lot, went on walks, played with the nesting dolls and spent a lot of time coaxing them to eat.
You have to watch twins carefully. They can, for sure, make more than twice the mischief. Baby wipes were employed more than once as tiny hands had to scrub up toothpaste that was painted onto the cabinets in the bathroom, mascara from the tile and toilet, food flung from the table and a few other messes. They were always happy and willing to clean up though.
Everyone was smitten with Ezra. He is the sweetest baby. He hardly cries and has the biggest smile! The girls loved him, the Brandt’s loved him, everyone thought he was adorable. He was so good everywhere we went which was so nice.

I loved hanging out with Hannah all week. We had lots of time to talk while we cooked, cleaned and watched babies! She has accomplished so much in life already and is full of wisdom and compassion beyond her years. She is a great little mommy too which makes me so happy!
I loved having Dani and Greg and kids come over every day. Last night they came over for a movie night and then D and the kids slept over so she could be there when the girls woke up. That Dani is an amazing mom and such a good auntie and sister and daughter. I love being friends with my adult children.
Sierra came over every day too. I was so glad she did. Sometimes when I travel to Utah she’s busy and we only see her a few times but she came every day and helped with the kids and joined us for meals and hung out and talked. It was really nice. I love that girl and her selfless heart. I am wondering what will happen with her and Chris. He is a really great guy, and I would be delighted to see them happily married (said Mrs Bennett)
Jenna and Clayton FaceTimed each night. They are having a great time and great adventures. It makes me want to go to Costa Rica!
Grace went to a party last night for Lettie. The Evans have been driving her home each day and they’ve kept her a few times. I am so glad for friends who step in and mother when I am gone. Grace has lots of great friends, and she is a great friend.
I loved seeing Val every day. My hope is one day we live in the Spanish Fork area and these kinds of weeks are the norm instead of a rare treat.
When I went to pick Marshall up from school Penny had play practice but she ran over and gave me a hug and said HiMimi! before she ran off to her practice. High light!
On soup night Tatum walked in the kitchen and said what can I do to help. I assigned her cookies and she did it herself. It was fun to have her in the kitchen with the hens. She is getting so grown up. I love that girl!
Cora and Ruby wrapped their little arms around me neck often and had a little snuggle. I love the way they’d smile and yell Mimi! when I came in their room and the way they argued over “she’s my Mimi”, “no she’s my Mimi”. They did the same thing for every toy, favorite song, seat at the house, etc. I am honored to be on the list:)
I loved seeing Marshall wrestle and watching how great he is with babies and how fast he can run around the whole house! Also he is great at mental math and so cute. He’s saving up money for a game he wants and knows just how much he needs and how much he has.
It was a great week. The only thing that would have been better is if Rob and the other kids were there too.
And I am so glad it didn’t snow!
And I got my Utah Christmas shopping done and wrapped so I am half way there which is good.
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