Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 Where to begin?

She did two dives today which meant her day was busy. Right after the second they took her to surgery. Her clavicle had moved a lot from the beginning of the week and was causing her so much unbearable pain. 

The surgery went well. The aftermath was a nightmare. With a TBI each time you have anesthesia it can cause set back and the brain struggles to wake up. With her shear trauma being located in the frontal lobe this means she is mad. For two hours the 1-1 tech and I dodged legs and fists and teeth while trying to keep her from pulling anything out of her body. She used the vilest language and said disturbing crazy things. The nurse kept giving different meds and finally we must had hit the right combo because she konked out, after sobbing, slipping out of her cast, and being restrained. It was awful. 

Now I’m praying for a restful night and a good day tomorrow.

Grace had another concert. She and Lincoln looked great. Marshall prayed that Mimi and Sierra could sleep well. Love that boy. 

Some concert pictures!

And some adorable twins to bring balance to the force and sadness of this day. 

Also last night was my night to sleep and Val, Kenz and I lay on my bed talking about wedding stuff for a little while before bed. It was super fun. I’m very excited for her!


  1. Oh my goodness, that sounds so hard. I'm so sorry and will keep praying for you to be strengthened to handle all of this. Sending lots of love your way!

  2. Poor thing! That must be so hard and heartbreaking. We are praying for you all. 💕
