Thursday, May 13, 2021


“Remember the day that you brought your first baby home from the hospital and you thought “that’s it? They are letting ME just take this baby home and I have to do everything to keep her alive? Am I even qualified?”

That’s what today is like for us.

Sierra is coming home and we are delighted and grateful. Her recovery so far has been miraculous. And she is adamant that she wants to leave the hospital.

I think more time in rehab would have served her well.

We will have lots of rules to follow and lots and lots of outpatient therapy and wound care and rehab doctor visits to go to.

At home she will need help with everything (which will be the easy part) and we will have to guard against cognitive fatigue. Her brain needs lots of rest to heal and make new synaptic connections. 

While it is an undeniable and complete miracle that she is alive and doing so well we are working thru some significant impairments. Higher order thinking skills, risk avoidance, memory, and language retrieval being the most concerning . 

Bottom line: we REJOICE and have faith that all is in God’s hands AND we are a little nervous about the task at hand, which feels a little daunting, so keep those prayers coming! We feel them💕”

From my Facebook.

We did indeed get her home. It took all day. We had a stop at wound care and we have a list of instructions and so far so good. 

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