Friday, September 8, 2023


Thursday morning, I got to spend a little time with these cuties before we headed up to Rexburg. Originally Rob and I were going to take Grace up together. Then as the plans progressed, we decided it would be better for me to go alone and for the two of us to come back at Christmas. We knew the trip would be quick, work would be busy, and we would be tight on space in the car and at Hannah and Sawyers apartment. Then mom and I thought it would be fun for her to come and that was in place until we learned that Nana and Pa C were also going to be in town to see the kids so back to me and Lu.  When we got to Utah Dani asked if she could come.  She's actually moved every one of her siblings in: including Sierra and Ethan, who I didn't even help move. She was willing to sit criss cross applesauce so Lincoln could sit at her feet, and to hold stuff on the four-hour drive. So, it ended up with the three of us and a lot of stuff.  
We made stops along the way to get stuff Grace would need and made it to Hannah's after bedtime for the kiddos.  There were people "sleeping" everywhere, including on the floor. LOL
This morning Sawyer kept the babies so Hannah could come help with the move in too. It didn't go smoothly, we had cleaning to do from the girl who was moving out, we had boxes to haul upstairs, groceries to get, and I think we walked from one end of campus to the other by the time we got everything squared away. It was a lot of work, and I was happy for H and D to be able to help so much. 

Dani and Lincoln 
Shopping haul.

Out of order but Ez did great at preschool. He cried on and off but also played and had a snack.  Hopefully each time will get better and better. 
Sisters 💕 Hannah and Dani did a lot of work making everything nice for their little sister. 

Saying goodbye after we were all done. The moment had to come 😕 

The school has lots of fun things planned for this weekend and this evening Grace and two new friends are going to the student talent show together. I hope it's going to be so amazing and smooth sailing from here on out!

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