Friday, November 17, 2023

 what am a grateful for?

I am grateful for my children, somehow they are always the top of the list. 

I am grateful that it's Friday.  We don't have any exciting plans for the weekend but it will still be nice.

I am grateful that Rob builds a cozy fire, and that we have a heater.  It's cold at night.

I am grateful for podcasts to listen to while I drive. 

I am grateful for good parents.  They worked hard and gave us kids a good life. They are loving grandparents to my children too, which is a blessing.

I am grateful for facetime and airplane tickets.

I am grateful for the friends I have made, in childhood and adulthood and in all the places I've lived.

I am grateful that I get to go to school at this point in my life. I enjoy my classes and look forward to getting to work.

I am grateful for the many interventions that Ezra is getting. I am grateful that Hannah and Sawyer have each other to lean on and that Tami and Brian are involved grandparents. 

I am grateful for Tatum, Penny, and Marshall.  They are wonderful kids.  Smart and kind.  I am so grateful that Dani and Greg are awesome parents and that they have a happy family.

I am grateful for Coco, Ruby and Darcy, the cutest little redheads in the world. They are so funny and smart and I love that they are precocious. I am grateful for Jenna and Clayton who are intentional and present.  They are wonderful parents as well. 

I am grateful for little Lana and Ezzie.  They are so cute. I look at these girls of mine and the mothers that they are and I am amazed at the good job they are doing. Growing up in a divorced family/blended family is really hard. I wanted to do a really great job but there are lots of things I wish I had done better.  Despite those challenges they are amazing. I am grateful that I get to be involved. I remember the love I felt from my grandparents and I very much want my grands to feel that. I am grateful for Nana and Abba, they are outstanding grandparents and the kids love them. 

I am grateful that it's peppermint shake season at Chick fila. 

I am grateful for people who fight for freedom, for doctors and nurses who work hard to keep us healthy, for teachers who teach and love and endure our children. 

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that I can work each day to be all in. 

I am grateful for a body that walks and talks and sleeps and eats, that can work and that can rest, that is healthy and that my senses all work. 

I am grateful for my children's friends, that are good examples to them, that bring them joy, help them out, and have fun with them, and are there with them when they need someone. 

I am grateful for my cute little car, for amazon, for music, for animals, nature, Rob's good job, and my job, shoes, ice cream, The Book of Mormon, my siblings, bright and beautiful colors, waves, hot showers, cool sheets, cats with bowties, service dogs, the stars and books and hot chocolate, my nieces and nephews, long summer days, water parks, BBQs, holidays, eternal families, Temples, a sacred grove & a burning bush & kneeling prayers that bring us to God, and many many more things that I won't list. 

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say- that even though I don't know you- I'm grateful to be allowed to follow along on your blog. I love hearing about your family and it gives me hope in this world to see loving families with solid foundations. I also would say that I'm 100% positive your children are so blessed to have you as their mom- they are doing so well bc you have guided them and gave them the foundation to be wonderful moms just like they had!
