Tuesday, November 21, 2023


 I am grateful that Rob's alarm went off this morning. My phone died during the night.  It's completely black and no matter what I do I can't get it to even flicker. I guess I'll be going to Verizon to have them look at it after work. I will be very grateful if they can fix it. I wasn't late to work though; we get up pretty close to the same time.  I sent my alarm for 6:10 and his goes off while I'm in the shower a little later.  I wasn't late to work even though I was late to wake up.  I plan a buffer.  School starts at 8am.  Teachers have to be at work at 7:30, subs 7:45. I usually get here at 7:30. I like to get settled and read the plans and use the bathroom before the day starts.  So, there is a window, and my morning would have to go really wrong for me to be late.  

I'm in geometry today, no one is working.  A sub and the day before break?  It's fine though. If they are in their seats pretending to work, I'm fine. 

Yesterday we got ready for Nana, Abba, and UB to arrive.  We are looking forward to visiting with them for a few days.  I have all the groceries bought, the sheets are clean, and the bathrooms are tidied.  

Everyone's thanksgiving plans:

We will eat turkey, maybe take a walk, probably watch TV. 

Brandts are going to Tyler's house with some of Greg's family. Dani is on call but Tyler lives near the hospital.  Hopefully she will be able to enjoy a lot of the day with the fam.  Ethan is going with them.

Sierra and Chris are celebrating with Chris' family.

The Johnson's are in TX, Whitney lives there with her family. I am sure they will have a great time!

The Crawley are celebrating by themselves. 

Grace is flying to CO with her boyfriend, Braden. 

I'm also grateful that this year we will all be able to celebrate Christmas together.  

I have a RS presidency meeting tonight. We had a dad in our ward pass away this last weekend and his funeral will be Saturday night. It's a tough situation, he left a young family behind, but not alone. That's the good news of the gospel, no one has to be alone in their grief or trials because Jesus is always there for them. 

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