Monday, January 20, 2020

A not entirely merry birthday

Grace turned 15 today.  Yay!!  Today was also her friend Zach's funeral.  So this is how the day went. We slept in a little! (8AM) When I got up I went to her room with her birthday present, a loungefly backpack that she wanted.

Then we got ready and took care of the dogs and went to the 1st viewing. They had an open casket for the clarinets and the family. I went in with Grace but just sat in the back quietly.

After Madison, Grace and I went to Target for dog treats (her 2nd present) and then went to the church for the 2nd visitation.  The clarinets went to practice their song.  I sat in the chapel for an hour and a half.  The church was huge and there were so many people there.  We were all there to mourn with those who mourn.  To try to be whatever comfort we could. Never have I felt that sense of sitting in mourning as I did today. Normally funerals at our church are warm, celebratory, sad but full of hope and the promise of eternal life with our loved ones. I’ve even been to funerals of young people that were very sad but still full of hope and joy in Christ. This one wasn’t like that. Sitting quietly waiting for hours (which not everyone did but since Grace is a clarinet we had extra) and being in a setting, even though I know better, was so so sad.

The service was beautiful.  The clarinet choir played the most touching rendition of Amazing Grace. The family is not religious at all so there were no prayers or hymns.  It was very secular, except the pastor of the church did speak and he did a wonderful job.  It was the saddest, most exhausting funeral I have ever been too.  Mr Darragh spoke and he was so very heart felt and sweet.

After the funeral the clarinets went to eat.  Grace went to just be with them for a few minutes.  At that time it was already 3:30 and we still hoped to get a little birthday fun in so she spent half an hour at Strombolis then we went home to change clothes and head to Disney.
We picked up Mary and went to Animal Kingdom.  It was a perfect night there.  Not too crowded and the weather was cool.  The news warned us the night before to bundle up! so we brought our sweatshirts and were glad of it ;)  The news actually reported that it would be "dangerously cold" but it was actually in the 50's and sunny, which isn't warm but it was pretty nice still.

We rode rides, met Mickey & Minnie, saw the celebration light and water show, ate Simba pretzels, got Grace a Mickey vest for Lincoln (her last present), and had a fun time!

We got back to Mary's a little after 9.  She had made cupcakes that morning for Grace so we went in, Katie and Stephanie were waiting for us.  We sang happy birthday and she blew out her candles and we ate funfetti cupcakes.  How super sweet is that? Lu has some amazing friends!

Lincoln also got to come celebrate.  He did great. He even rode a couple of rides and did super on them.

Grace said thank you for a good day.  I was glad to be with her for the sad part and for the fun part.

and I am sad to be going to sleep at 11pm on a school night.  Very sad. Tomorrow will be a long day.

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