Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Star Puppy

Grace is taking Lincoln to a couple of training classes. The first one started tonight but it was just the human orientation. It’s at the fairgrounds and it was pretty interesting. There were lots of different classes going on in different arenas. There were lots of dogs. The advanced classes looked really fun. We were in the beginning basic. Most of the tasks that we were told would be taught in the class Lincoln already knows. After we stayed to talk to the trainers. We told them about the things he can do and asked if it was the right class for him. The trainers said yes. There are things we can finesse and it will be good for him to work around the distraction of lots of dogs.  Also he can earn his star puppy certificate, so there is that.

First day back to work was good. I missed my working friends. It was a crazy day. It was the first day of the new semester and there were lots of kids registering and withdrawing, and lots of kids with schedule problems. Also I had to do a training on how to talk to kids who are depressed or suicidal. It was interesting but took a long time since I had to keep stopping to help people. Yami and I also took down the Christmas tree so the day went quickly. 

Made another dinner in a bag. It was hit.

After we got back from puppy class Rob and I took the dogs for their evening constitutional. Cat ran out the door as we were walking out. He is a jerk. He followed us the whole way, slinking in the bushes, staying out of reach, keeping a yellow glowing eye on us. We went pretty far, far enough that we were worried he’d get lost. We turned around and he turned too. Followed us all the way back and then into the house and on to the bed to watch NCIS. What a weirdo.

Tate started school at a new charter school. She looked so cute in her British school girl/Hermione Granger plaid skirted uniform. 

Hannah likes her internship. Yay! Sawyer started his class too. 

Penny Jane is reading a fun book “searching for Jack”, she seems excited about it. 

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