Monday, January 6, 2020

soul bearing

I got a new email, for some personal stuff I am doing, and because I like blogger and was out of free space.
Now I have to decide.  Go public, although truthfully my mom(s), and Tori are the only ones who ever read the blog (LOL) or stay private and share more thoughts. I have been a dear diary kind of blogger, sharing events of our lives, staying mostly positive & upbeat.  Which is the way I like to live all my life.  But there is always another side.  Everyone has that.

I don't talk about world stuff, but certainly there is plenty out there that is sad and hard.  Iran and Iraq, they've been a hot bed of turmoil since I've been in elementary school.  Things don't look any better, in fact, if anything they are worse.  One thing I really appreciate about Rob is how he keeps tabs on the world.  He always knows what's going on and his insights are concise and informative.  Some times the children ask me what I saw in him, or why I wanted to marry him, part of that answer is his intellect. He is very smart and I love that.

Australia is on fire.  So sad.  Natural disasters are everywhere.  This one is really sad though.  So much damage and so many poor animals are getting displaced and burnt. To make matters worse they think a lot of the fire has been started by arson.  Not a day goes by when I don't think "what is wrong with people?"

Yesterday we had the Vergara's over for dinner.  It was a lot of fun.  It was kind of last minute so we each brought what we had planned for our own families and shared.  Ivana is my best Florida friend and I always have fun with her.  The kids all get along.  Pepe is great.  So good night.  We played games, and talked, and ate too much food, which is typical of a fast Sunday.  Rob fasted for UB and Abba to get well.  I fasted for Luke Hill to be able to get baptized.  He's a super cute boy in our ward.  He has a lot of special needs and one challenge he has is he is terrified of water.  Now he's deacon age and really wants to get the priesthood, pass the sacrament, and go to the temple.  They've been working on the water thing for a while and he has a date set.  I didn't tell the family but I thought he could use some extra divine help.  I am sure his mom and dad, and grandparents, and others also have fasted for him...but some extra help can always be petitioned for.

Today Ethan and I drove our cars to Gator Tire co and dropped off both for oil changes.  Then we walked home.  Later we walked back.  My car needs some more work so I'll be taking it back later this week to finish up.

Grace and I went to the movies and saw Little Women.  I loved it.  She liked it but thought it was long.  I remember getting the book as a Christmas present when I was young.  I read it many times and I loved it.

Ethan went to play basketball with the missionaries while we were gone and hurt his ankle.  Hopefully it's not broken, it is swollen and bruised though.

Rob didn't get the job in Maryland. He is disappointed and super bummed.  The rest of us didn't want to move though so while I am sad for him  I am mostly glad.  I love Maryland and my friends there. Moving a high schooler is really hard though, I want to stay put until Grace graduates. She has lots of friends here and lots of musical opportunities that she would not have there.

SpaceX launches tonight, we'll be able to see it from our house.

I made another delicious dinner in a bag. I love that our grocery store does this.  They make up one brown paper bag with all the ingredients for a meal, and a recipe card in it.  You just walk in, pick a bag, and bring it home to cook.  We've made several and they have all been yummy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for still allowing others to follow along with your blog. I have been reading your blog for years now and honestly I would really miss it if it went private. I'm a 50 year old Christian mom and wife myself and honestly I find it comforting to read about your family to see wholesome values still being taught and lived. You have a beautiful family!
