Grace was feeling especially not well today. She texted me a lot asking if she could go home. Some days her pain is worse than others. EDS always stinks, we are grateful for good days and sad when there are bad ones. Anyway eventually I told her I'd take her home during my lunch break. As I was driving back the carpet guy called. He said he'd be there in 30 minutes. I told him that our appointment was for after 3pm. He said he couldn't do it then and we'd have to reschedule for next week. We had an unpleasant conversation where I said I had already taken off a day of work last week and waited only to be stood up. Then it took another week to make an appointment and we had already paid in full. Long story short it didn't matter, we were his last appointment of the day and he wasn't going to honor the 3 o'clock time. So I told Kirsten (the school secretary) what happened and she said go so I went. I hate being flaky. That is, for sure, the worst part of my job; when I can't be there for whatever reason it makes me feel very stressed. I hate that.
So the guy came, he installed the carpet, and it went fine. When he left Grace and I decided we needed some Disney therapy so we went to Epcot.
We were only there for a couple of hours but we had a really fun time. It's the Festival of Arts season, which is very nice. Also the weather was "bad" so it wasn't very crowded. We rode a couple of rides, looked at the chalk art and walked through a couple of shops then we went home to have dinner and put her room back together.
Elsa and Anna's house is adorable.
Lincoln was good. He's more willful now, I guess he's a teenager.
3-D chalk!
Lincoln on the Mexico ride.
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