Thursday, January 9, 2020

last dinner

Today I facetimed Jenna and the girls answered.  Ruby said "Hi Mimi!" really loudly then told me that Cora was also there by pointing to her sister and saying "Coco". It was so cute!  I guess the girls have been kind of stinkers while their dad is out of town but they sure are cute.  Today Scott went over and played with them while Jenna went to the library.

For mutual last night we had a planning meeting for the year, and to set goals with the new curriculum.  We are having each girl pick a night to plan an activity that will help her towards one of her goals.  Once they decide on the activity a leader will help get it ready and all the girls will work on it that night.  Hopefully it will be be great and they can help each other and also learn something new.   I think it's going to go well.  I shared with them a conversation I had had earlier in the day.  Keyonata is our head guidance counselor.  I really like her.  She came up to my desk in the middle of the day and said, kind of out of the blue, I was thinking all break about what you had told me about yelling at your kids. (I told her I didn't...mostly)This kind of opened up a whole conversation where I learned that in her youth she had wanted to grow up to be a pastor.  Then she got married instead and that was a disaster.  Since her divorce she's been raising her kids and trying to teach them the word.  She went to seminary college besides getting her degree in counseling and we got to talking about what she wants to do when her kids are grown and gone.  We talked about how it's a such a strange time in life, after you have spent decades being a mom and then suddenly the kids are grown.  We talked about wanting to be useful to God.  I shared with her a little about our new youth program and the goal setting elements that are in it. She's often surprised to find out that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have a lot in common with other Christians.  I wanted the girls to know that this is a life long endeavor and that they are lucky to have these, tools and insights now, when they are young.  I love those young ladies and think so much of them.  They are really choice daughters of God.  I also really like the people I work with and enjoy the diversity and insights they give me.

This morning when I got to work I learned that after I left yesterday, and most people had left that 911 had been called by Ms Mack's daughter because she wasn't answering her phone. She had passed out behind her desk, her door was closed though so no one knew.  We aren't sure how long she was there but she got taken to the hospital by ambulance. I was so sad to hear that, and worried.  NaQuanda is one of the nicest ladies you will ever meet.  I am hope hope hoping that she will be well and back to work soon.  Her husband came in to work this morning to bring home her laptop and said they were going to be seeing a couple of doctors.  Her blood pressure and blood sugar were both very low when she got to the hospital.  She has some health problems, including MS, I am not sure if that is what caused this or her medication or what. Anyway she's in my prayers.

The kids and I did some CFM tonight.  We are so blessed to have so many resources and scriptures to guide us in our day. Never in all history have people had such access to God's words or the ability to know His will. I have made it a goal to really read and pray faithfully each day this year.  (like I do every year).

I also have made it a goal to finally get in shape (like I also do every year).  So I am starting a diet tomorrow that I plan to stick with.  Rob and I went out for one last dinner tonight in preparation.  The kids didn't want to come so it became a date.  They ate chicken pot pies, which are also tasty.

When Grace and I were driving to dog class on Tuesday we got pulled over.  The officer told me my tail light was out, which I knew.  I told him thank you, that I knew, and that I had gone the day before to Action Gator to get it fixed but they didn't have the part and so I was going to go back on Thursday to finish the job.  He was super nice and just wrote me a warning.  Today I took the car back to fix the light, get two new tires and an alignment, and to replace the trim on the side that fell off years ago.  Unfortunately Ford sent the wrong light kit so I will have to take it back again but I am so excited to have my little ghetto trim strip fixed.  It looks like a whole new car! Whoo hoo!!

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