Saturday, May 9, 2020


Friday was teacher and staff appreciation day. The last hour of work we stood outside and cheered as teachers and counselors and all staff drove by. They got a Bundt cake, a free pizza coupon, a yard sign and a magnet. By they I mean we, after I cheered I got in my car and drove thru and got cheered for too. It was amazing to see everyone! I loved seeing the guidance team. 

Today Sierra and I went to Clearwater beach. We had the best day. On our drive there we listened to an awesome podcast. It was one of those instructive, spirit filled, aha moments that spoke truth. We had a good talk about it. 

We spent some time in beach junk stores, which I love❤️
Then sat on the sand and played in the water for 3 1/2 hours. We saw manatees, a dolphin, lots of birds and seashells galore. Finally we were hungry so we left in search of food.

We ate waterside and watched the fishermen pull in to the pier with their catch. It drew a big crowd of shorebirds hoping for a handout, and people who just wanted to admire. Also two little Asian ladies who wanted to buy the heads because apparently that is the best part.

Sitting in a restaurant (well outside on the patio technically) was amazing. 
We drove through BR on the way home and chatted with Anna, Hannah, Mom and Jenna. 

When I got home these beautiful Mother’s Day flowers were waiting for me!!

Rob spent his day with Jon first at a move, then working on his fishfinder.
Ethan also went to the move then to the Roddy’s.
Grace had a lesson and tonight went to an outdoor movie night with friends. 
Good times

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Josh went to UCF and once when I came to visit him we spent a day in Clearwater. It sounds like life is pretty normal down there. We still can't leave our houses except for the grocery store.
