Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Wisdom teeth

Ethan had his wisdom teeth extracted today. It went well. He was not at all worried. I was a little nervous I don't now why.  I don't remember if I was when the girls got theirs out or not but this time I was.  Maybe I am a little apprehensive about him leaving for who knows where for 2 years.  I want him to go, of course. And we have been planning on this for his whole life but a teeny tiny part of me is worried about it.  He's ready.  I'm not. Anyway the surgery went well and I got him home and to bed safely.  After a short nap he woke up feeling pretty good.  Tonight he has Jackson over playing video games. He requested Planet Smoothie for dinner, which of course I obliged. And now we just let him heal. 

I did take a couple videos, per his request after he was waking up and still loopy.  Before he said not to and then while he was waking up he thought he was pretty funny so he asked me to film him and he asked to FaceTime his sisters. Some of the funniest bits were when he told me that Vincent VanGoh did a lot of his best work while under the influence of drugs so he, Ethan, was hoping that he would have a similar experience and wake up knowing the cure to cancer or something.  He was very disappointed and thought he was actually waking up stupider. Then he asked me to ask him a hard question to check, maybe a hard math problem.  After a second he said, oh no mom you don't know any hard math problems.  I agreed and suggested he ask himself a problem and then answer it.  Which he did. 

He also asked, several times, what I thought the biggest problem with western civilization was. He thinks it's that people are selfish and only think about themselves.  And he spent a lot of time marveling about how his face was numb, his vision was double and things looked funny.  He also thought it was a great idea that he wasn't driving home because we wouldn't have made it. He was right, he was pretty funny.

Grace went to the beach with some friends.  They had a great time and came home pink and sandy.

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