Friday, May 15, 2020

So there you go

I guess that’s something I say a lot. Why? I guess I tend to accept things the way they are, and to try to make the best of any situation that I find myself in.  Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s not so easy. At the end of the day there are many things out of my control, out of anyone’s I suppose. Part of life is learning how to deal with lots of things out of your control, deciding how you will feel about them, how you will react, how you will move forward. 

Right now everyone is dealing with things they don’t like, didn’t want, and can’t control. Hannah and Sawyer are preparing to bring Ezra earth side, and trying to get thru school. They pictured doing this from their apartment in Idaho, living in their apartment, hanging out with friends, going to class, with the midwife that Hannah loves. Instead they are doing virtual learning, having a hard time finding a doctor they like, and gratefully living with Sawyer’s awesome parents. I hope they are back to Idaho in the fall and that Hannah can walk when she receives her diploma, and a good job comes her way. These things are unknown though and they are handling it cheerfully and very optimistically.  So there you go. 

Dani has started back to college. She has been looking forward to this day and planning on it for awhile. She too pictured going to class. While her children also went to school. Instead they all are at home doing school together. She’s still excited and the kids are doing well. Yesterday I enjoyed seeing Tatum’s super cute book report and today I loved talking with D and T about her first week and her assignments. College is a lot of fun. Thankfully Greg is an essential employee and they have been doing well. So there you go.

Ethan. Poor kid. Born 9 months post 9-11. Never attended a single school for more than 2 years. Started his senior year with a hurricane that shut the state down and ended it in a pandemic! What!! Thru all that he’s been cheerful and calm. He’s been an excellent student. Now he’s preparing for 7 AP tests by himself. Preparing to serve the Lord on a mission in the middle of a world that is confused and crazy and who knows what that mission will look like. And preparing to enter adulthood where I am sure he will be certain, despite the uncertainties around him. So there you go.

Sierra. Came to Florida to find a new life. Instead she found a crazy 3 month lock down. Now she’s going back to Utah and I will miss her. It’s been a delight to have her here. To spend time, play games, talk, wait for the world to be “normal” together. 

Grace. So there you go. She struggles with EDS and snarkyness. She misses going to school. Going to band. Hanging out with friends. She wonders what next year will look like. What adjustments will be made to her plans and dreams. She is a dreamer and a planner and she is strong. 

Clayna. :) They are both working, raising their red headed spit fires, looking for a house, planning for their family. I feel like they are doing great, they are a little calm in the middle of chaos. Not to say it’s easy or problem free or stress free. They’ve just hit a good stride and you have to be grateful for that. It’s the ebb and flow in life. Sometimes things are a little easy and sunny. Sometimes they are stormy and dark. Sometimes in the middle. And we all have all those parts. So there you go:)

And Rob and I. We get older. We plan for a future, retirement, our own missions. We wish we could live near our children and grandchildren. That’s not the case right now, but maybe some day. We deal with surprises and disappointments, and trials and joys. Like everyone. We plan and things go the way we hoped, or not. And we look forward with hope, with faith, with a little trepidation at times. 
So there you go.

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