Last night as I knelt to pray I felt the spirit strongly whisper to my heart a feeling of peace and calm and a warm hug. I thought to myself, well it's going to be alright. Then the thought came, clear and concise, "it's all right now". I pondered on that as I was saying the things I was grateful for, and asking for blessings for myself and for many others. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that God knows me and has a plan not only for me but for all of His children and this is part of His plan and it's all right. It's okay to be in the middle of hard and awful and disappointing things. It's okay to be worried, and out of sorts. We need to remember that this is His plan. Our testing and trying is the plan. Our struggles are all right, our pain is okay. We will be fine. All is well. I want to fix things, to make them easy and fun and magical for those I love and those I serve. There are, of course, many things that I can't fix and many things that are difficult. One difficult aspect to this pandemic is that the struggle is global. Usually things are going along fine, world wide, and individuals have challenges and trails. That's what we are used to. Now the whole world is upside down and we aren't used to that at all. Our future is uncertain, but that’s okay, we know for certain who wins. He already did. Jesus wins and since He won we win.

Right after work I went to Walmart. We’ve been on a daily search for toilet paper. It’s been a no go. Now we actually have some. Probably 20-25 rolls in the laundry room, but the idea that we might run out was really driving me. So I was delighted to see an empty aisle, again. Not really but what was great is someone asked “are you looking for toilet paper?” And when I said yes they said we are bringing out a pallet now, line up here. So I dutifully lined up, with the other lucky shoppers (and in fashion very reminiscent of the lines for supplies you read about in books set in war torn Europe) and I scored a package. Each shopper was allowed one. I called Sierra and told her to get over to the store ASAP and to buy one, which she did. That was exciting!
Tonight after dinner Rob and I drove to friends homes and delivered toilet paper (and Diet Coke in one case) to spread a little pandemic survival cheer.
I am loving the QH ward nightly devotional. I am loving spending more time chatting with family on line. I am loving the beautiful weather and most of all I love the increase of feeling dependent on the Lord that is all around. Like the feeling of Christmas when we all think about the Saviors birth, during trials people look to Him for peace and guidance.
I'm so grateful for your testimony and faith! Love to your family <3