Monday, March 23, 2020

much to say about nothing

All the employees were called back today.  After today some will be working at home, teachers and counselors need to be available to students online 3 hours a day.  Clerical employees and administrators will be on campus.  I will only be working from 9-1, but with full pay.  Mainly I will be answering the phone and helping with random other things like ordering transcripts or keeping our records up to date.  It's pretty empty at school so I guess social distancing will be easy.  It was good to see everyone today.  I will be bringing a book with me for the foreseeable future since I will likely have lots of time to read.

When I got home I face-timed with Penny and all the kids and Hannah.  I love group FaceTime. Kit finally arrived in Utah and Penny and Tatum and Dani gave us a fashion show!  Kit and Aubrey (Kits friend) looked so cute in all the outfits and cute Penn was so happy to have her back.

Hannah was getting ready for her ultrasound and we were keeping her company.  Ezra's last ultrasound was a little suspicious so they had a more in-depth one.  Everything looked great! His heart is great! He is growing great! and he is very cute!!

I also talked to Cora and Ruby.  They sang for me, played ring around the rosies, jumped, crawled, ran to the door and back, and told me about the muffins they were making. I can't believe they are going to be 2!!  So exciting. They are getting so big.

The worst kind of social distancing is because we live far away from family and are always distant.  I think we've actually been talking more, since everyone is stuck at home.  Anna and her men are doing well.  Spencer is being sent home.  Missionaries around the world are being sent back to their homes to quarantine for two weeks and then, depending on how long they've been out, to be reassigned to a mission in the states.  This is, of course, heartbreaking for the people they are leaving, for the missionaries, and for their moms.  It's such a hard and strange time.  The important thing is to serve our Lord.  It's hard when you have one idea in mind for a whole lifetime of raising a boy, or growing up, and then to have everything change.  I guess we need to have faith and trust Him. We have also had senior missionaries being sent home . I feel so bad for them too. I have been thinking about serving a mission with Rob since we were married and I would be so sad to be sent home early.  Again we just need to know that his plan is greater than our plans.
Ethan and Sierra made watermelon lemonade and it was really delicious.  I  thought it was so refreshing and yummy.  I am looking forward to  more glasses in the future.

Jackson is back from his trip.  Ethan will now have a buddy to spend time with. Phew.  I know social distancing is important...but so is sanity.  I think throwing balls around together outside is a safe enough distance.  

Our family all seems to be in good health, for which I am very grateful.
Our cupboards are full of food.  Our AC works.  Our TV and books and musical instruments and projects keep us entertained. We have FaceTime.We both have jobs.  The kids are able to learn at home, and have laptops to distance learn.  Sierra is here with us, safe and helpful.  We have the word of the Lord, a living prophet, the ability to freely pray and the resources to be of help.  Today we saw an alligator on our walk, and the sun was shining brightly.  We have a lot to be grateful for.  Someday, soon maybe, the Savior will return and we will kneel at his feet and worship Him! He will reign in peace and love and it will be wonderful, wonderful!!

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