Saturday, March 5, 2022

Little beach town with a big shark problem


Yesterday I had a fight in my class. Gentle reader I will spare you the details of the middle school drama that is my life on the daily. I will say when I emerged from my class with the principal and an AP to join my coworkers at the bus loop I was met with many concerned hugs & sympathetic noises and inquiring minds want to know smiles.

Rob spent his day volunteering at the Arnold Palmer invitational, all proceeds went to the band. Grace and some of her friends volunteered the day before. It’s a week long fundraiser for the band, which is awesome!

My plan for today, before I woke up this morning, was to find an emergency dentist. My mouth is still hurting. When I woke up I had no pain and decided it could wait until a week day when our own dentist is open. (My mouth does hurt but it wasn’t killer) So we had a quick pow wow and decided beach season is upon us!
It was a beautiful day at the beach. So pretty. So relaxing. So calm. I read, Rob fished, we sat, when the sun was starting to sink we headed over to Crabby’s where I enjoyed shrimp with key lime honey mustard dip. ❤️
I finished our Mimi book club book. I’m excited to chat about it with the kids.  The book this time is  “Ways to Live Forever”, it’s about two boys who are friends because they are both dying. They decide to make a list of things they want to do before they die and set off on sometimes funny, sometimes sad, adventures trying to cross everything off their list. 

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