Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday night

 My alternative title was “a good deed gone wrong and other reasons I’m a bad wife”. That seemed a little wordy. 

But first let’s take a moment to admire the cutest little Darcy! 

So backstory: Kraytos (the dog Grace walked (before she was fired this last week)) lives in a house that I think smells ….off putting. It is very clean and nicely decorated she just uses some kind of air freshener or something scented that I really don’t like. When I would go with Grace I never went inside because I didn’t like the smell.

More backstory: Rob doesn’t like the way my car smells. Ever since we moved to Florida he’s thought it had a smell. 

I don’t smell it. 

He thinks I’m nose blind, which could be true. 

This isn’t normally a huge problem because almost all the time we take his truck if we are together.

Saturday he decided to fix my car and get rid of the smell “for me.” Which is nice but his fix included spraying a freshener in the vents. I’m  sure it doesn’t take much deductive reasoning to know exactly what I think it smells like, that’s right Kraytos’ house.  Now I have to drive with the windows open and every time I get in the car I feel mad. I know this was an act of kindness done with good intentions so I feel bad that I feel mad. 

I like to think that I am easy going and not difficult to get along with but sometimes that is just not the case. For example I do not like it if someone changes the settings in my car (and especially not the smell). I do not like when my phone upgrades. I do not like when someone folds the towels wrong and I have to redo them. I hate when people leave stuff on the dining room table and I really, really don’t like cupboards or drawers that are left ajar.  

We had a special fireside for youth and their parents tonight. A lot of the youth spoke and they did so well. We also had a beautiful musical number by the youth. It was so so nice. They all had the same topic, which is “trust in the lord”. They shared personal stories and insights from come follow me and really just did the nicest job. 

Yesterday we had a stake youth activity. I chaperoned. 

In the morning I went to Ann’s for a pampered chef party. I bought some insulated bowls that I hope will solve one of our entertaining problems. Usually when we have people over for dinner Rob will smoke. This is a huge hit and I love it because then I only have the sides and the dessert to worry about. The problem we have is timing. We can not seem to match up when dinner is ready. It’s frustrating when the food gets cold waiting for the slower parts of the meal to be done. So my hope is these bowls will solve the problem and if we don’t match up in dinner preparation I can put the sides into the bowls and they can stay warm until we are ready for them. 

I got an email from the mission president’s wife today. She was asking for a video of Ethan opening his mission call. She said they have found with their missionaries who are coming in after a reassignment the first two weeks are really hard. They have found that having a meeting a couple weeks in and watching the videos has really helped. I don’t know if Ethan is having a hard time or not but I was happy to send the video. (Luckily Hannah had one). I’m looking forward to talking to him tomorrow and hearing how his week was and how he is. 

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